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    题名: 以整合資訊系統管理水泥業之減碳成效
    Managing Carbon Emission Reduction of a Cement Company through Integrated Information Systems
    作者: 李鐘培
    Li, Jong-Peir
    贡献者: 管郁君

    Huang, Eugenia
    Huang, Sy-Ming

    Li, Jong-Peir
    关键词: 節能減碳
    Energy Preservation and Carbon Reduction
    Circular Economy
    Integrated Information System
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-06-02 11:10:47 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 當節能減碳已經變成新時代公民所共同認知的普世價值,工業界除了要繼續提供食衣住行所需要的民生必需品,也必須要更積極地扮演節能減碳推動者的角色。在節能減碳的企業目標下,不應只是做為資料庫或對內及對外的溝通工具,原有的資訊系統也應跟上腳步,須能做為組織間知識互動及互相學習的平台。為了兼顧個案公司的長期目標,其資訊系統必須升級,以符合國際化、智能化以及其他面向之創新管理的需求。
    本研究以台灣具代表性之水泥公司為個案,探討企業以降低碳排放做為管理目標時,對於資訊系統重新調整所需面對的問題:(1) 如何整合及串聯多為獨立的系統;(2) 由策略所引導的需求方針下建立資訊系統的流程規劃。本研究藉由行動研究的五個步驟,及訪談各功能部門系統的主要使用者,以了解目前系統的那些功能未被充分利用、企業所需要傳承之經驗和未來節能減碳的策略性需求。
    Because energy preservation and carbon reduction has become a universal value of the global community, industries are obliged to play an active role in promoting this value, in addition to providing daily life necessities. To fulfill this corporate goal, enterprise information systems should not only serve as databases and internal and external communication tools, but also facilitate knowledge interaction and mutual learning between organizations. In coordination with the long-term goal of the case company, its information system should be upgraded to fulfill the various requirements of innovative management, including internationalization and intelligentization.
    Although an abundance of practical experiences and literature exist for references in establishing large information systems, most such information is oriented toward users’ needs. This study performed a review on literature relevant with large information systems and focused on nine observation items, which included configuration of common goals, procedure improvement, interdepartmental coordination, and system integration sequences. This allowed the formation of a theoretical basis for information system establishment. In addition to understanding user needs, this study employed progressive implementation and real-time feedback to examine the processes of solving problems encountered in system integration as well as interdepartmental interactions and learning. Accordingly, gaps in research on information systems can be addressed.
    This study focused on a representative cement company in Taiwan and explored the following problems encountered by the company in readjusting its information system to fulfill the management goal of carbon reduction: (1) integrating and connecting the systems within the company, most of which are independently operated; (2) devising an information system establishment plan according to strategy-oriented needs of the company. Through the five steps of action research and interviews with primary users in each department of the case company, this study identified system functions that were not fully utilized, know-how that the company must pass down, and strategic requirements of carbon reduction.
    The results revealed that the suggestions proposed in this study according to the literature review were highly valuable to the practical implementations of the case company. Moreover, research gaps were discovered in the existing literature regarding system design and integration. Specifically, information systems must be constructed in consideration of corporate social responsibilities, and specific, feasible system integration plans must be formed accordingly. In this study, in-depth research was performed on carbon reduction. Carbon footprints that may affect carbon reduction technology were examined and traced using the information system. A platform for interdepartmental communication was provided, and the information system was integrated to reduce the differences between needs of different departments, thereby reaching a consensus between relevant personnel.
    Seed instructors must be able to provide training in diverse areas to ensure smooth communications between system operators and their departments. To integrate the new and existing systems of the case company and improve the customization of the existing systems, attention must be paid to improvement in areas concerning the integration and visualization of complex program interfaces. The action research procedures adopted in this study can serve as a reference for future scholars. Carbon reduction management that involves that use of alternative fuels can be further expanded through the use of alternative raw materials and other carbon reduction plans. Such management can also be applied in other industries.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000445
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