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    Title: 數位治理之政策執行研究-以NPA署長室臉書粉絲專頁為例
    Implementability Research of Digital Governance:A Case study on the National Police Agency`s Facebook Fan Page
    Authors: 沈震原
    Shen, Chen-Yuan
    Contributors: 黃東益
    Huang, Tong-Yi
    Shen, Chen-Yuan
    Keywords: 數位治理
    Digital Governance
    Social Media
    National Police Agency`s Facebook Fan Page
    Policy Implementability
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-05-05 11:59:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對民眾而言,身處社群媒體發展蓬勃的網際網路社會,連上網路與參與社群媒體儼然成為生活中不可或缺的習慣。對政府而言,亦必須利用數位治理及ICTs強化政府在網路與社群相關施政,以解決接踵而來的公共需求與政策問題。數位治理的研究雖然大致與傳統公共治理的理論範疇相符,卻缺乏實際政策執行的驗證,因此學術上,有待以實際政策執行的案例,重新詮釋傳統公共治理理論於Web2.0中的相關議題的運用與探討;另在實務上,政府雖已瞭解數位治理的價值,但仍多依賴政策執行者本身的經驗,尚缺乏系統的操作的指引與規範。因此,將經驗轉換為具延續性、可操作性的政策執行理論能夠回應現今學術與實務的需求。
    本研究運用Edwards III政策執行力模式詮釋新興的Web 2.0政策,並聚焦於內政部警政署推動NPA署長室臉書粉絲專頁政策,從溝通、資源、執行者意向及機關結構等構面探究數位治理下政策執行實際情形與問題。經由探討NPA署長室組織內外部的溝通情形、資源配置狀況、相關政策執行者的意向,以提出較佳的政策規劃與資源配置策略供未來警政署參酌;並針對如何設計一套兼顧彈性需求、權責明確的標準作業程序與績效評核制度提出建言。此外,本研究亦針對新興社群媒體所產生的數位治理議題與問題,提出政策執行力模式解決與改善之道。
    Internet and social media in daily life have become an indispensable part of the modern lifestyle. Therefore, the Government has to strengthen the ability of digital governance and ICTs in which to respond to public needs and solve the policy problems. So far, the research of digital governance has adapted to traditional policy public governance, but still need more realistic evidence-based research on policy implementation. On the academic aspect, we need to re-interpret traditional policy public governance in web 2.0 applications. On the practical aspect, although the government comprehends the value of digital governance, most time it depends on policy implementor experience and lacks systematical instruction and regulation. It is, hence, vital to transform the experience into the practical protocol for responding to the void of academic and practical aspects.
    The researcher uses a public policy implementation model designed by George C. Edwards III to explain the implementability of emerging web 2.0 policy-National Police Agency`s Facebook Fan Page policy. By exploring four implementability aspects, including communication, resources, dispositions and bureaucratic structure, of digital governance policy, the researcher proposes the strategies of better policy management and resource allocation. Furthermore, the researcher suggests a scheme of building a set of flexible, responsible standard operation procedures and performance assessment institutions. To digital governance issues arising from emerging social media, the researcher also gives some advice from the implementability model.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000406
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