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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/129655
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    Title: 從洗錢防制風險治理觀點論金融機構最適之監理制度—以銀行、保險、證券產業為基礎—
    A Study on the Optimal Supervision of Financial Institutions from the Perspective of Anti-Money Laundering : Focusing on Banks, Insurance Companies and Securities Firms
    Authors: 蔣念祖
    Chiang, Nien-Tsu
    Contributors: 張冠群
    Chang, Kuan-Chun
    Chiang, Nien-Tsu
    Keywords: 防制洗錢金融行動工作組織
    CFT Act
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-05-05 11:58:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國於1996 年10 月通過及公布洗錢防制法,並於1997 年4 月正式施行,為亞太區第一部洗錢防制專法,並正式加入亞太防制洗錢組織(Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering,簡稱APG)成為該組織之創始會員,遵循國際防制洗錢金融行動組織(Financial Action Task Force,簡稱FATF) 所頒定之防制洗錢與打擊資恐國際規範,在洗錢防制之架構與規範上,為亞太區之先驅 。
    然而,二十年來犯罪集團洗錢態樣不斷推陳出新,洗錢管道不再囿於金融機構,甚至利用不動產、保險、訴訟管道等,造成近年因國際洗錢與資恐事件如現金走私、組織犯罪、吸金案件、跨境電信詐欺案頻傳,反映執法機關及邊境查緝困難,顯見我國自2007 年以來洗錢防制法已落後國際標準甚遠。2007 年接受第二輪相互評鑑時,即因法規制度落後、金融機構執行預防措施不力,執法部門欠缺查緝金流能力等等,落入一般追蹤名單。2011 年間再因追蹤結果不佳,落入加強追蹤名單 。有鑑於此,2016 年我國制定資恐防制法,並大幅修正洗錢防制法、公司法,以及2018年制訂國際刑事司法互助法、財團法人法等相關法律,2017 年更正式成立行政院洗錢防制辦公室,拉升洗錢防制整體政策規劃層級,臺灣在防制洗錢與打擊資恐工作具有高層政治決心與各界支持 ,幸於2019年11月順利通過APG第三次相互評鑑。
    本論文針對APG第三次評鑑過程及結果將以風險治理的角度加以檢視,找出金融機構最適合之監理制度。本論文之研究方法採取文獻分析法、案例分析法及比較分析法而成。首先透過兆豐銀行美國裁罰案介紹及分析,試圖找出金融業普遍可能在洗錢防制上所犯之缺失。藉由蒐集國內外期刊論文、指引及報告,以風險為本之問題解決方法,並且依據FATF 2013年發布評鑑方法論--直接成果 4(IO4部分)之銀行、保險及證券業為檢視重點。
    接著,再依據APG國際評鑑報告內容,依據上述原則及步驟逐一檢視美國、新加坡、香港及我國國際評鑑報告,以進行國際比較。之後,再將比較結果釐清問題,找出最適監理措施和提出對未來修法建議,包括:洗錢防制法 、資恐防制法、公司法等,尤其是新科技的利用,虛擬貨幣的因應和管理、法律協議如何落實等,以促使行政、立法部門能繼續戮力修法,對未來第四次相互評鑑有所助益。
    Taiwan passed and promulgated the MLCA in October 1996, which was officially implemented in April 1997. It was the first law specified on AML in the Asia-Pacific region. Also, Taiwan is known of a founding member of the Asia-Pacific Group on ML(referred to as APG), complying with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) 40 Recommendations. Pioneering in AML/CFT in the Asia-hgPacific region around 1997.
    However, in the past two decades, the money laundering typology evolving quickly to a greater scale, it’s no longer confined to the channel of financial institutions, but non-financial sectors, like real estate, notary, accountants and lawyers sectors have been greatly misused. Cash smuggling, organized crime, ponzi-scheme cases, and cross-border telecommunications fraud cases have increased in large amount , resulting in the predicament of investigation held by law enforcement and border agencies. Obviously, Taiwan`s MLCA, which has fallen far behind international standards since 2007, was the main cause for the disorder of the money flow. This can as well be found in the APG 2th round mutual evaluation in 2007, Taiwan was placed on the regular follow-up and then re-downgraded to enhanced follow-up in 2011 due to the backward laws and regulations, inadequate implementation of preventive measures by financial institutions, and the lack of ability of law enforcement in financial investigation. In view of this, in 2016, Taiwan formulated the CFT Act, and substantially revised the MLCA, the Company Act, and the related laws such as the MACMA and the Foundations Act in 2018. In 2017, the AML Office of the Executive Yuan was formally established to raise the overall policy planning level of AML. Taiwan has high-level political commitment and support from all walks of life in AML/CFT. Fortunately, in November 2019, Taiwan successfully passed the third mutual evaluation of APG.
    This paper reviews the APG 3rd round mutual evaluation procedure and results from the perspective of risk-based approach to find the most suitable supervision system for financial institutions. The research method of this paper is based on literature analysis, case analysis and comparative analysis. First of all, through the introduction and analysis of the case of Mega Bank Event, the paper propose a view on the critical elements in AML that financial institutions shall pay efforts on. This paper, throug collecting domestic and foreign journal papers, guidelines, reports, and risk-based problem-solving methods, discuses on the deficiency of the practice of financial sectors including banking, insurance and securities sectors based on FATF Methodology 2013 - Immediate Outcome 4 (IO4 part).
    Then, in accordance to the FATF and FSRBs mutual evaluation report, and the above-mentioned principles and steps, this paper reviews the mutual evaluation reports of the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan one by one for comparison. The comparison results are used to clarify the problem. This paper also recommend the most appropriate supervision measures and propose suggestions for future legal amendments, including the MLCA, CFT Act, Company Act, especially the use of new technology, the management of virtual asset and the transparency of legal arrangement. The paper aims to propose a solution for administrative and legislative departments and benefit the coming APG 4th round mutual evaluation for Taiwan in the future.
    Reference: 一、中文部分
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106651505
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000405
    Appears in Collections:[法律學系] 學位論文

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