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    Title: 製造服務化科技服務業者之價值創造
    Value Creation of Servitization in Manufacturing Company
    Authors: 莊浩緯
    Chuang, Hao-Wei
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Lee, Jen-Fang
    Chuang, Hao-Wei
    Keywords: 製造服務化
    Manufacturing Servitization
    Knowledge-Intensive Business Services
    Science and Technology Service
    Service Value
    Value Co-creation
    Knowledge Management
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-04-06 14:48:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 優質而踏實的造物作業,已然是台灣不可忽視的實力,製造業更佔台灣 GDP 31%,而品牌商在沒有製造業的協助下也無法完成可供消費者使用的終端產品。隨著全球製造能力和效率的躍進,經濟發展的典範從製造生產轉至服務作為,亦使代工為主的製造業廠商,透過長期產業知識和技術的累積,轉型成具有含量高專屬知識的科技服務業,運用其知識內涵到各項生活場景的服務,提供軟硬體加服務的解決方案。






    Strength of high-quality and practical manufacturing productivity cannot be ignored in Taiwan, and the manufacturing industry is around 31 percent of Taiwan`s GDP. However, own-brand owners cannot complete end products without the cooperation of the manufacturing industry. With the leaps in global manufacturing capabilities and efficiency, the paradigm of economic development has shifted from manufacturing to service. It also drives OEM and ODM to transform into science and technology service industry by the accumulation of long-term industrial knowledge and technical expertise. The technology service industry uses its knowledge to provide value creation service solutions for real life scenarios.

    This research puts manufacturing servitization company as the core, which does the value creation toward brand owners and end-users at the same time; the research aims at what are the manufacturing servitization company implementations and actions for own-brand owners and end-users. To in-depth studies, research framework based on two manufacturing servitization companies, which were the past leading manufacturer in their industry, with the four analysis perspective: Value Enhancement, Value Co-creation, Intellectual Capital, and Organization Behavior. After observation and discussion, here are the following conclusions:

    Conclusion 1: In order to meet the value-in-context of end-user use, brand owners seek exclusive knowledge from manufacturing servitization companies to make up their weaker areas. Manufacturing servitization companies try to add multiple usages of real-life scenarios in their one-stop service.

    Conclusion 2: The manufacturing servitization companies use information technology systems and interaction physically to enhance the value co-creation between three parties. Co-creating with brand owners that the knowledge of different fields in two parties can be entered into their products and services effectively; co-creating and interacting with the end consumers is to add user opinions into their products and services, including direct contact in the “Phase before Negotiation” and “Usage Phase”. Furthermore, the information also can be used for the cooperation process in “Negotiation Phase” next term.

    Conclusion 3: Manufacturing servitization companies construct service models and accumulate intellectual capital through customer capital and fourth-party expertise providers. Then, it creates the possibility to do the product extension and the business opportunities raising by the manufacturing servitization companies.

    Conclusion 4: The ways of construction comprehensive service combine by the bidirectional circulation between Organization Behavior, Intellectual Capital, and Value Co-creation with brand owners and end consumers.

    Compared with the previous literature, mostly focusing on the service construction in knowledge-intensive service industries, and the relationship between two parties, which are knowledge-intensive service operator and commercial customers or end consumers. This study indicates that manufacturing servitization companies master both brand customers and end-users in the same period. Moreover, describe the interactive communication process between three parties, and the position, organization behavior, accumulation of intellectual capital toward the manufacturing servitization companies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364125
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000366
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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