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Title: | 國軍營區開放活動提升國防形象及從軍意願之研究 The Study of Promoting Defense Image and Willingness of Join the Military by Military Base Opening Activities |
Authors: | 楊詠竣 |
Contributors: | 甯方璽 楊詠竣 |
Keywords: | 全民國防 營區開放 滿意度 國軍形象 從軍意願 All-out-defense Military base opening the satisfaction the image of military the willingness of join the army |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-04-06 14:47:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全民國防對一個國家來說是一項十分重要的國防政策,其目的在「激發國人愛國意識,凝聚軍民團結向心」,得以讓軍民一體、文武合一的形式,將軍事力量、民間物資與精神意志團結融合,落實「全民關注、全民支持、全民參與」的目的。 我國「全民國防教育法」從94年2月2日公布至今,透過國防部的指導與規劃,以及教育部、人事行政局、文建會等部會的協助下逐步推動中;我國「全民國防教育法」自民國95年2月1日正式施行,著重於規劃「完成學校教育規範」、「推展在職巡迴教育宣教」、「辦理暑期戰鬥營」、「獎勵傑出貢獻單位與個人」、「配合動員演習辦理教育訓練」、「推廣國防文物宣導與維護」、「運用傳媒推展文宣活動」等事務,以統合國家資源,建立全民國防共識。 「國防知性之旅-營區開放活動」主要透過戰技,武器裝備動態操演、現役裝備靜態陳展等方式,使國人得以攜家帶眷,參訪營區內部並在參觀活動的同時也能與家人享有假日同遊樂趣及獲取各項國防相關資訊,此舉不僅寓教於樂,也希望具有潛移默化的作用。 本研究探討國人參與完營區開放後,對於場地的規劃、活動的安排、裝備的展示,對國防支持度與從軍意願是否有所提升。以108年國防知性之旅參加人員為主要研究對象,回收有效問卷185份,經研究結果分析後,1.民眾對於營區開放的滿意度β值為0.305與國軍形象與支持呈現正相關,2.民眾對於營區開放的滿意程度也與從軍意願顯現出正向影響,β值為0.502,3.國軍的形象與支持度對於營區開放的滿意度與從軍意願具有部分中介的效果。 All-out-defense is the most critical national defense policy for a country. And the purpose is to inspire people’s patriotism and gather the military and the civilian, let the military and civilian get together. Combine military power, supplies and spiritual will to fulfill the purpose of national concern, public support, widespread participation. Our country published “All-Out Defense Education Act” on February 2nd,2005, this Act conduct and plan by MND, and assist by MOE, DGPA, MOC. The primary purposes are school education, on-the-job education, summer combat camp. Also, reward outstanding unit and person, transact training by Mobilization exercise, promoting to maintain national heritage. And it uses media to help activities building up all-out-defense awareness. The activity of military base opening includes let civilian take their family members to visit the military base and watch combat skills and military equipment. It also make the family have fun together and gain lots of national defense information. This study aims to explore the effect of national defense support and willingness to join the military after participating in the activities. The survey of this study is collected 185 valid samples for the questionnaire method in 2019 the Tour of National Defense Military Base Opening. The results show as follow 1. The satisfaction β value of military base opening is 0.305 and have significant positive impacts on the image of the military; 2. The satisfaction of military base opening have substantial positive effects on the willingness to join the military, and the β value is 0.502;3. The image of the military has a partial mediation effect to the satisfaction of the military base opening and the willingness to join the military. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 107921316 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107921316 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000376 |
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