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    Title: 軍人身分證晶片化之決策分析
    Decision Analysis of Military eID Development
    Authors: 鄭棟元
    Cheng, Dung-Yuan
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Hsiao, Naiyi
    Cheng, Dung-Yuan
    Keywords: 決策分析
    Decision analysis
    Military Identification
    in-depth interview
    fuzzy AHP
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-04-06 14:47:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨者科技發展至今,晶片卡在生活中已受廣泛應用;我國全民晶片健保卡於2003 年完成換發作業,政府亦將於2020 年10 月起推動換發晶片國民身分證,積極推展電子化服務。美軍自1999 年起即依國會要求換發晶片軍人身分證,將智慧卡科技融入、整合軍事管理作為,國軍軍人身分證假使能順應晶片化「多卡合一」進步趨勢,勢必能增進內、外部單位鏈結與國防事務發展,契合國防施政作為並強化與國際鏈結交流。
    With the development of science and technology nowadays, Integrated Circuit Cards (ICC) become widely used in our lives. Since 2003, National Health Insurance Card had fully reissued operations to chip cards. The government will start to facilitate transferring National Identity Chip Cards in order to promote electronic services actively. The U.S. military had improved paper identity cards to chip eID followed the Congress’ guidance to merge ICC technology and application with military management. If R.O.C. military identity can follow the trend to integrate multiple functions into one card, it will surely enhance the link of units with national defense affairs in all aspects, combine national defense policy, and build up international engagements strengthening with other countries.
    This research gathers expert opinions from in-depth interviews to adopt and acquire “integrated benefits, possible risks, and transformed costs” as assessed evaluation, using fuzzy AHP to study on two groups as decision makers and pure users in the Ministry of National Defense (MND), then develop decision analysis of transforming to military eID of current paper ID. The comparison will be held with individuals and groups with the same or different types of values, in order to address small, partial difference caused by organization cultures. Then the research acquires all values needed to illustrate the result of most possible course of action, as the possible reference for future potential decision development.
    The result of group decision making in this study provides possible integration of multiple cards, risk management, developed direction, and future policy planning of the practical prospect. I believe that after military eID integrated development in the future, it will efficiently enlighten thinking, strengthen internal public management, and enhance the status of soldiers in society indirectly. It is worth exploring that disadvantages thinking of eID development will not stop the improving progress of organizational commitment. Eliminating just looking at the changes in the form of ID cards in appearance, it will deepen the acknowledge to the future development and assist establishing practical cognition and vision of the armed forces.
    The research provides suggestion for the Armed Forces to follow the Electronic Government trend and to draft policies related to military eID development. Only
    consolidated policy and regulation design assists to facilitate expanding digital service range of inter-organization step-by-step. This could also accelerate the
    implementation of policies improving public governance in the Armed Force.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107921302
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000395
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