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Title: | 工程人員公共服務動機、薪資滿意與組織承諾之關係:以新北市政府為例 The Relationship Between Public Service Motivation, Salary Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Engineers: A Case Study of the New Taipei City Government |
Authors: | 徐建宏 Hsu, Chien-Hung |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 徐建宏 Hsu, Chien-Hung |
Keywords: | 土木工程 建築工程 薪酬滿意 努力承諾 留任意願 Civil engineering Architectural engineering Pay satisfaction Effect commitment Willingness to retain |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-04-06 14:46:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 公部門工程人員肩負著國家公共工程建設之重要責任,與人民生命財產安全之福祉息息相關,然而,長久以來工程機關面臨著國家考試工程人員錄取不足額、工程人員辭職率高、以及公私部門薪資待遇不衡平等問題,人力不足除了影響機關業務推動外,更加重了現職人員的工作壓力與負荷,形成惡性循環。基此,本研究設定利他性質的「公共服務動機」與自利性質的「薪資滿意」為自變項,探討這兩個因素對工程人員組織承諾之影響。本研究使用調查研究法,以新北市政府所屬現職工程人員為母體,採立意抽樣方式,針對工程機關之工程人員施以問卷調查,共發出問卷444份,回收有效問卷219份,並使用相關統計方法進行分析。另外透過深度訪談法,訪談曾服務於工程機關多年且具有建築師資格之工程人員,以更深入地瞭解工程人員內心的想法。研究結果發現,工程人員之公共服務動機、薪資滿意均對其組織承諾有正向的影響;此外,工程人員從事公職,除了公共服務動機外,也包含了個人因素的考量,例如兼顧家庭生活、歷練公部門的實務經驗與人脈的累積等;且工程人員是否願意留任,與自身的專業能否獲得尊重及肯定息息相關。本研究根據上述發現,進一步研提相關實務建議,以提高工程人員工作投入與留任意願,維持機關人力穩定。 The engineering staff of the administrative agency is responsible for the construction of the country`s public works, which is closely related to the people`s lives and property. However, for a long time, engineering agencies have faced problems such as inability to enroll in the examinations, high resignation rates, and uneven pay. The business will also increase the working pressure and load of staff, forming a vicious circle. Based on this, this study sets altruistic "public service motivation" and self-interest "salary satisfaction" as independent variables, and explores the impact of these two factors on the organizational commitment of engineering personnel. This research uses survey research method, taking engineering staff of New Taipei City Government as the mother body, adopting the sampling method, and conducting a questionnaire survey on the engineering staff of the engineering organization. A total of 444 questionnaires were sent out, and 219 valid questionnaires were recovered, and statistical analysis was used. In addition, through in-depth interviews, interviews with engineering staff who have served the engineering organization for many years and have the qualifications of an architect to better understand the inner thoughts of the engineering staff. The research results found that the motivation and salary satisfaction of engineers for public services will have a positive impact on organizational commitments. In addition, engineering personnel ’s participation in public office, in addition to public service motivation, also includes consideration of personal factors, such as taking care of the family, increasing public service The department`s practical experience and accumulated connections; in addition, whether the engineering staff`s own professionalism can be respected and affirmed by others will affect his willingness to stay in office. Based on the above findings, this research proposes relevant practical suggestions, hoping to increase the work input and willingness of engineers to maintain the stability of the organization`s manpower. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 106921048 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106921048 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000392 |
Appears in Collections: | [Master for Eminent Public Administrators] Theses
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