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    Title: 社工工會於勞資爭議中之行動經驗初探
    Research on the social workers unions’ Experiences in Dealing with Industrial Disputes
    Authors: 吳宗翰
    Wu, Tsung-Han
    Contributors: 蔡培元
    Tsai, Pei-Yuen
    Wu, Tsung-Han
    Keywords: 社會工作
    Social Work
    Social Workers Union
    Industrial Dispute
    Labor Right
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-04-06 14:46:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在發展臺灣社工工會實務研究,探討社工工會在勞資爭議中的處理程序、策略思維與外部資源應用、遭遇困境與因應方法。本文採用質性研究,透過立意抽樣與滾雪球抽樣邀請16位具處理勞資爭議經驗之工會幹部與社工,並以深度訪談進行資料蒐集。研究發現:一、社工工會有一套勞資爭議處理程序可循,工會幹部依循諮詢期、介入期、結束期與延續期四階段協助當事人處理爭議事件;二、各工會所著重的處理策略面向不同,可歸納出組織培力、議題結構和公私共理三種策略途徑;三、工會處理勞資爭議常用外部資源有律師、民代、媒體、友好組織與私人關係,工會必須在不同資源之間達到效益與關係的權衡;四、處理勞資爭議的困境包含:政府面缺乏長久性制度規範和有效的執行率、機構面在管理方法未能與時俱進與對勞權有錯誤的認知、工會面臨少數人領導與會員關係經營不足等問題、社工則是行動選擇困境等等,而工會透過爭取制度參與權、營造勞資合作、強化會員參與、提供社工安心與信心行動支持等方法來突破。五、勞資爭議中所衍生實務議題有工會行動角色的選擇、利益爭議的權衡、三種工會型態作為社工工會發展的可能性。研究建議:一、實務面:建立勞資爭議處理說明範本、勞資爭議經驗文本化、夥伴制度的會員經營;二、教育面:橫向勞資政同步強化勞動知能和縱向從校園紮根勞權意識;三、系統合作面:機構主動促成勞資合作、提升工會與機構的良性合作。
    The purpose of this research is to study the actions of social worker unions in Taiwan and to record their spirit and experiences when working together. The researcher explores the labor unions’ procedures for dealing with industrial disputes. He also examines the strategies, mindsets and external resources that are used, as well as the challenges these labor unions face and their solutions. The researcher then gives advice based on the research findings. By using purposive and snowball sampling, the researcher conducted depth interviews on 16 labor union staff members and social workers that have experiences with industrial disputes to collect data for this qualitative study. The research findings are as follows: (1) The four phases of industrial dispute are the consultation phase, intervention phase, resolution phase, and the extended phase; (2) Three paths to dealing with industrial disputes are organizational empowerment, issue structures, and involvement from both the public and private sector; (3) External resources that are often used to balance interests and relationships, as well as risk effects and relationship boundaries are lawyers, legislators, the media and private relationships; (4) The challenges and solutions to industrial disputes can be divided into how the government is run, the management and viewpoint of organizations, the leadership and management of labor unions as well as the influence and choices social workers make when taking action. The labor unions then take all of the above into consideration when planning solutions. (5) Issues related to industrial disputes include the role that labor unions play in the disputes, conflict of interests and the three possible ways labor unions could develop into. The researcher’s advice: (1) For practical uses: Create a manual for dealing with industrial disputes, textualize records of industrial disputes, and managing members through a system based on partnerships; (2) For education: Use horizontal collaboration among employers, laborers, and the government to build stronger sense of labor rights and raising awareness of labor rights in schools. (3) For collaboration among different systems: Organizations should take the initiative to create collaboration between employers and laborers in order to improve their image when collaborating with labor unions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105264005
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000369
    Appears in Collections:[社會工作研究所] 學位論文

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