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    Title: Facebook 影響政治人物與民眾互動之研究─以 2018 年桃園市議員選舉為例
    Facebook`s Study on Influencing Political People`s Interactions with The Public - A Case Study of 2018 Taoyuan Election of Members of City Council
    Authors: 許育誠
    Hsu, Yu-Cheng
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Hsu, Yu-Cheng
    Keywords: 臉書經營
    Facebook management
    political marketing
    online political participatio
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-04-06 14:46:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 透過此研究目的是為了要了解2018年桃園市議員候選人,如何透過臉書政治行銷4P(產品、推廣、通路、價值)經營策略有哪些不同,候選人如何利用臉書功能去經營自己的粉絲專頁影響民眾線上及線下政治參與。其本研究透過個別深度訪談、次級資料分析、以及內容分析,透過臉書內容分析去了解10位候選人臉書粉絲專頁的政治行銷4P的貼文有哪些差異,再以訪談10位候選人,了解候選人臉書經營策略。
    The purpose of this study is to understand the 2018 Taoyuan City Council candidates, how to through Facebook political marketing 4P (products, promotion, access, value) business strategy is different, how candidates use the Facebook function to run their own fan pages to influence people`s online and offline political participation. Through individual in-depth interviews, sub-data analysis, and content analysis, this study looks at the differences in political marketing 4P posts on the Facebook fan pages of 10 candidates, and interviews 10 candidates to understand the candidates` Facebook business strategies.
    This study found that candidates in the Facebook business strategy to promote and access and value differences, different candidates in the promotion of posts mainly through Facebook with other social media (LINE, Youtube), as well as street speeches, news programs, etc. , followed by access posts such as: love to sell, garbage truck routes ,etc. There are also value posts such as comments on public and political issues. And candidates in the online Facebook and other social media operations at the same time with the actual offline people`s interaction strategy of mutual lying, to try to expose and attract the public`s attention. As well as candidates through Facebook and other social media to show the characteristics of candidates while interacting with the public, the election of members of Parliament is like the election of a political star, candidates must show their own characteristics and at the same time maintain interaction with the public, to win public support.
    In fact, it is suggested that candidates should be aware of their brand value, show their own style, in order to stand out in the election of members of Parliament, and candidates should focus on the actual interaction with the public rather than always invested in Facebook ads, the public prefer to actually interact with the candidates and exchanges. Influence people`s actual participation through Facebook virtual activities.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000368
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