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    Title: 貶抑幽默:社會認同理論與社會支配理論之比較
    Disparagement humor: the comparison of social identity theory and social dominance theory
    Authors: 林謹平
    Lin, Chin-Ping
    Contributors: 李怡青
    Lin, Chin-Ping
    Keywords: 社會支配理論
    Social dominance theory
    Social identity theory
    Disparagement humor
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-04-06 14:44:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以實驗法檢驗社會認同理論(Social Identity Theory, SIT)和社會支配理論(Social Dominance Theory, SDT)對貶抑幽默的解釋,並確認是否有交互作用。依據社會認同理論,人們對內群體認同度高者會對貶低外群體的笑話較覺得好笑,社會支配理論則預期社會支配性(Social Dominance Orientation, SDO)高者會對貶抑低地位群體的笑話較覺得好笑。兩個理論的主要變項間也可能有交互作用,預期當對內群體認同度高且社會支配性高時,會覺得貶抑低地位外群體的笑話是好笑的。研究一分別檢驗社會支配性及內群體認同程度對於貶抑幽默反應的預測,結果顯示對內群體認同程度僅對高地位外群體的貶抑笑話有效果,社會支配性對不同地位的外群體貶抑笑話都有預測效果。研究二同時測量內群體認同程度及社會支配性外,也探討內群體認同程度與社會支配性的交互作用,發現認同程度無預期效果,社會支配性則穩定預測貶抑低地外群體笑話的好笑反應,但兩者無交互作用,此外,對貶抑內群體笑話的效果及威脅的調節效果也一併討論。綜合兩個研究,社會支配性對貶抑外群體笑話的預測較為穩定,突顯人們對自身階級的維持動機促使貶抑幽默的使用和傳遞。
    The aim of the research is to test the explanation offered by Social Identity Theory (SIT) and Social Dominance Theory (SDT); and to test the interaction effect of ingroup identity and social dominance orientation for disparagement humor. According to Social Identity Theory, individuals with higher ingroup identity may find jokes disparaging outgroups funnier, whereas according to Social Dominance Theory, individuals with higher social dominance orientation (SDO) may find jokes disparaging outgroups of low-status funnier. Furthermore, it is possible that individuals with higher ingroup identity and higher social dominance orientation may find jokes disparaging outgroups of low-status the most funny. In Study 1, I separately examined social dominance orientation and ingroup identity as predictors of disparagement humor against outgroups. Individuals with higher ingroup identity tend to find disparagement humor against the high-status outgroup funnier, whereas individuals with higher social dominance orientation tend to find disparagement humor against outgroups funnier, regardless of their group status. In Study 2, I retested the hypotheses and found that social dominance orientation was associated with disparagement humor against the low-status outgroup, but there was no interaction effect between the ingroup identity and social dominance orientation on disparagement humor. The disparagement humor against ingroup and the moderation of threat are also examined. From the findings of both studies, social dominance orientation, but not ingroup identity, is a more reliable predictor of disparagement humor against outgroups, showing that the motivation to maintain people’s group status encouraged the use and the delivery of disparagement humor.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104752014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000354
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