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    Title: 台灣精釀啤酒業者之商業模式及策略行銷分析 - 以掌門精釀啤酒為例
    Business Model and Strategic Marketing Analysis of Taiwan Craft Beer Industry - A Case Study of Zhangmen Craft Beer
    Authors: 張雅雄
    Chang, Ya-Hsiung
    Contributors: 巫立宇

    Chang, Ya-Hsiung
    Keywords: 精釀啤酒
    Craft Beer
    Business Model
    Strategic Marketing Analysis
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:40:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在台灣酒類市場中,時常可以觀察到各類酒款的商業活動宣傳及在許多通
    路中多元的產品組合,當中不能忽視的重要市場便是用餐時也會飲用的啤酒,不管是庶民的熱炒店、精緻高檔化的餐廳或是各大民生消費品通路,眾多的啤酒產品種類不僅讓消費者有著相當多元的選擇,同時亦代表啤酒市場競爭狀況之激烈。在2016 年時,台灣整體的啤酒市場規模已經達到新台幣232 億元,隨著越來越多主打口味獨特、產量相對較少的進口啤酒種類如雨後春筍般的出現,台灣消費者逐漸對於「精釀啤酒」有了初步的了解,加上相對開放的飲食文化,讓新鮮、高品質且具備獨到風味的台灣精釀啤酒開始嶄露頭角。
    本研究的探討個案公司為台灣發跡、科技業轉投資的「掌門精釀啤酒」,主要是利用BMC 及策略行銷4C 架構,來分析在競爭逐步激烈的精釀啤酒市場中,如何透過現有商業模式來開拓事業版圖,使得經營規模能從2014 年成立後持續成長,而又有哪些營運要素是比競爭者弱勢的,是否能透過改善缺點來超越市場中的領先者亦是本研究想要論述的觀點。
    者們,原因可以歸咎到通路多樣性及行銷操作上的不足等,讓競爭者們能持續在營收及網路聲量上獲得更突出的表現,而本研究亦建議掌門精釀啤酒能參照策略行銷4C 的架構,持續維持現有傑出的產品表現、改善消費者的內隱成本,例如與網路KOL 及知名餐廳合作提升知名度及信賴感等,讓自身擁有迎頭趕上競爭者之機會。
    In the liquor market of Taiwan, we can often observe sales campaigns and abundant product portfolios in many commercial channels. One important market would be
    beer itself. No matter at street-food stands, noble restaurants or commodity channels, there are lots of categories and brands of beer offering many options to consumers. It also means that beer market in Taiwan is under intense competition. In 2016, scale of
    beer market in Taiwan had reached 23.2 billion. With more and more unique and rare imported brands entering this market, Taiwan consumers start having basic knowledge
    about “craft beer”. Moreover, under open-minded culture towards foods, it makes fresh, high-quality and specific craft beer become popular gradually.
    This study focuses on “Zhangmen Brewery” invented by a Taiwan-based tech company. Through the frames of Business Model Canvas and 4C of Strategic Marketing Analysis, it investigates Zhangmen’s current business model and the reason why this company can keep growing in a highly-competitive market since 2014. Besides, it concludes its weaknesses comparing competitors and discusses the
    possibility of improving them in order to gain advantages over other existing brands.
    From the conclusion of this study, Zhangmen Brewery has minor performance in brand awareness and customer loyalty in comparison with other competitors. The reasons could be insufficient selling channels and short of marketing campaigns. This study proposes Zhangmen Brewery can ameliorate them by keeping producing outstanding product, cooperating with online KOL and famous restaurants to obtain opportunities of having competitive strength.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363054
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000153
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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