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    Title: 消除反向凸顯: 在中國背景下各國對技術的認知
    Removing the Reverse Salient: States` Perception towards Internet Technology in the context of China
    Authors: 盧藝璱
    Contributors: 陳永福
    Tan, Alexander C.
    Keywords: 反向顯著性
    reverse salient
    information and communication technology
    state power
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:33:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Knowing that information and communication technology (ICT) has implications for many aspects of state power in general, and especially in the case of China, there was a need for a well-coordinated approach generating the dynamic of control and encouragement of ICT development in China. Through an examination of concerns that have been emerging about what ICT means for Chinese power, this research tended to unveil the unique way of ICT adoption and advancement in China. Of these concerns, the controllability dilemma, data security, and algorithmic-authoritarianism that all escalated with the introduction of the Internet are the piers to understand the dynamics of changes in perceptions and interests of the Chinese government in this regard. This research, thus, is filled with the urge to reveal technical knowledge that has been long lacking in IR literature, and specifically applying such knowledge to understand the Chinese use of ICT and innovation, majorly through observing the continuous process of threats and problems perceived along the way of adoption and innovation (formulated under the reverse saliency model in this research) and how those problems are solved through which aims to foresee the Chinese intentions and big targets in this regard, and finally expect to make a more general sense of how differently state power interacts with technology in the post-industrial model of ICTs.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000351
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