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    Title: 中國投資東帝汶之風險評估及其影響
    Risk assessment and impact of investment of China in Timor-Leste
    Authors: 陳彥霖
    Chen, Yen-Lin
    Contributors: 魏艾
    Chen, Yen-Lin
    Keywords: 東帝汶
    The Belt and Road Initiative
    Investment Risk
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:31:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國對外投資數額自「走出去」戰略以來,不斷增加,且隨著「一帶一路」的提出,投資範圍更加廣泛,金額也隨之成長,近年更加強對東帝汶的投資與發展雙邊關係。但是東帝汶經濟發展落後,過度依賴油氣資源,且缺乏基礎建設與工業技術等投資誘因,加上國內政治不穩定等缺失,都對中國的投資造成一定程度的風險。唯一的誘因當屬東帝汶身處大洋洲與亞洲的交會之處,極具地緣戰略地位的優勢,近可牽制印尼與澳洲等中等強國,遠則可遏阻美國的進犯。然而東帝汶自本世紀獨立以來,一直都在澳洲的勢力範圍之內,對東帝汶影響甚深,緊密相連的印尼則是東帝汶最依賴的貿易夥伴,這些都顯示出中國投資東帝汶不僅將面臨內政風險,還有地緣政治風險必須解決。東帝汶近期加入「一帶一路」成員國與亞洲基礎建設投資銀行,也表明中國正逐一克服種種風險,拉近與東帝汶的夥伴關係。此一發展卻也不免令人擔憂,東帝汶是否會像馬爾地夫與斯里蘭卡一樣,陷入債務陷阱,讓本就脆弱的經濟更難以翻身。因此探究中國對東帝汶的投資影響將至關重要,究竟是幫助東帝汶的南南合作,或是壓榨東帝汶的新殖民主義與新自由主義,以及中國還將面臨哪些投資風險,都有待持續探討。
    Since the implement of the “Go Out Policy”, the amount of foreign investment of China has been increasing. With the proposal “The Belt and Road Initiative”, the scope of investment has become wilder and the amount has increased. In recent years, China even strengths the bilateral relations of investment and development with Timor-Leste. However, the economic development of Timor-Leste still falls behind. It relys on gas and oil resources excessively and it also lacks investment incentives of infrastructrue and industrial technology and the instability of domestic politics, which had casued the investment of China become risker. It is the only reducement that Timor-Leste is located at the intersection of Oceania and Asia. It has the advantage being a geostrategic position, which can rein in middle powers such as Indonesia and Australia, and it can also deter the US offense. However, since it independence in 21st, Timor-Leste has been influence by Australia. Indonesia, closely connected with Timor-Leste, is the most close trade partner of Timor-Leste. All above shows that Timor-Leste is not only facing domestic political risk but also geopolitical risk. Recently Timor-Leste join “The Belt and Road Initiative” and “Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank”, showing that China is overcoming multiple risks and closer to its partnership with Timor-Leste. This development is worrying. Whether Timor-Leste will follow in Sri Lanka or Maldives and fall into a debt crisis, which will make the already fragile economy even worse. Therefore, it is important to explore the impact of China’s investment in Timor-Leste. Is China`s investment helping South-South cooperation in East Timor, or squeezing East Timor`s neocolonialism and neoliberalism? What other investment risks does China face? All of these have yet to be explored.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105260008
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000317
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