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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/128898

    Title: 我國人力仲介公司的外籍勞工引進與管理角色與功能之探討
    A study on the Role and Function of Manpower Agency in the Importation and Management of foreign workers in Taiwan
    Authors: 管仁裕
    Kuan, Yen-Yu
    Contributors: 成之約
    Cheng, Zhi-Yue
    Kuan, Yen-Yu
    Keywords: 外籍勞工
    Foreign worker
    Human resources agency
    Labor policy
    Labor regulation
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:21:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國外籍勞工政策及法制,一直以來皆以外籍勞工為主體,似乎是僅為了外籍勞工權益出發所建構之政策及法制。近年來不斷增加法制上對於人力仲介之相關限制,抑或加諸人力仲介更多義務,藉此希望更能保障外籍勞工之權利。然而現行勞動法制及政策,不斷增加人力仲介不合理限制及義務,將使人力仲介之功能及角色不斷限縮,人力仲介在管理外籍勞工上動輒得咎,逐漸侵蝕人力仲介角色及功能,也侵害了整體就業服務品質。
    Foreign worker policies and regulations in Taiwan have been centered on foreign workers; they seem to be established solely for the right of foreign workers. In recent years, more regulations and obligations have been imposed on human resources agencies. These moves were made to further protect the rights of foreign workers. However, existing labor laws and policies keep increasing unreasonable restrictions and obligations to human resources agencies. Consequently, the functions and roles of human resources agencies keep shrinking, and human resources agencies are easily blamed in their management of foreign workers. As the roles and functions of human resources agencies being infringed, their overall service quality reduced.
    This study compared neighboring countries` restrictions on human resources agencies to observe whether Taiwan`s restrictions on human resources agencies are reasonable or have room for improvement. From the directions of regulations and policies of recent years, this study investigated whether they pose difficulties for human resources agencies to manage foreign workers. As human resources agencies must play multiple roles and bear unreasonable treatments from existing regulations and policies, this study examined whether the agencies` functions were restricted.
    Finally, by interviewing human resources agencies and scholars, we reflected the gap between existing policies, regulations, and practices. From the scholars` perspective, we learned how may the restrictions posed on human resources agencies by Taiwan`s policies and regulations be adjusted to amend the unreasonable obligations on human resources agencies. From the perspective of human resources agencies, we observed the inconveniences existing laws and policies caused human resources agency management, and how they should be amended to improve the unreasonableness in current situations.
    To sum up, concrete suggestions proposed by this study may serve as references for future labor policies and regulations. Unreasonable restrictions and demands on human resources agencies may be lifted. In addition, consultancy may be provided to human resources agencies to strengthen their functions. A foundation for protecting foreign workers` rights and increasing human resources agencies` functions may be constructed, and from there, foreign worker policies and regulations belonging to foreign workers and human resources agencies may be established.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105262020
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000091
    Appears in Collections:[勞工研究所] 學位論文

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