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Title: | 行動通訊軟體應用與工作時間制度之研究:以某體育電視台為例 The Effect of Working Hours with Mobile Instant Messaging: A Case Study of Sports Broadcasting Organizations |
Authors: | 鄭人瑋 Cheng, Jen-Wei |
Contributors: | 張其恆 鄭人瑋 Cheng, Jen-Wei |
Keywords: | 通訊軟體 電傳勞動 工作時間 休息時間 Mobile instant messaging Telework Working hours |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-03-02 11:20:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究之目的在於探討體育電視台在工作方面通訊軟體的使用情況,藉由分析通訊軟體在工作上經常使用之功能與事務,整理出工作上依賴通訊軟體之原因。另外,本研究進一步探討,基於工作方面大量使用,下班後是否會因此難以脫離工作,造成對私人生活時間的干擾、睡眠時間的干擾等等。
根據針對體育電視台研究結果,通訊軟體在工作方面的使用確實存在滲透私人生活領域之問題,客觀上各受訪者下班後皆需要處理工作,但主觀上多數受訪者並不認為對私人生活造成影響,認為工作是合理可接受範圍內。 The purpose of the thesis is to explore the use of mobile instant messaging in sports broadcasting organizations and how they influence users. The study analyzed the functions of mobile instant messaging, the frequency people use it in work, and the reasons for using it during working and non-working hours. This study further explores whether it is difficult for people to get rest after work, and if it causes interference in personal life.
In this thesis, eight employees in sports broadcasting organizations were interviewed by purposive sampling. According to the interview, how the mobile instant messaging influences people depends on how seriously users rely on smart phones. The users are classified into "light users" and "heavy users" based on their usage time after work per day. Both types of the users need to use mobile instant messaging to work during non-working hours. Most of the light users do not think that work-related messages interrupt their personal life. The reason is that they consider work-related messages to be their job responsibilities, and dealing with those messages only takes them little time during non-working hours. On the other hand, heavy users think it to cause serious interruption to their personal life because the complicated tasks and large amount of messages take them too much time to cope with during non-working hours, even on weekends.
Regarding sleep time, neither "light users" nor "heavy users" are interrupted by mobile instant messaging. The notifications of mobile instant messaging are turned off all the time by most users. The reason is that there are too many notifications of work-related or personal messages, especially group messages. These notifications or messages keep bother people no matter in work or in personal life.
Based on the study, the use of mobile instant messaging in work indeed interrupts users’ personal life. Although all users objectively have to deal with work tasks during non-working hours, they do not subjectively think it is the mobile instant messaging that interrupts their personal life. Most users believe that it is reasonable to handle work tasks during non-working hours. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 103262022 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103262022 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000313 |
Appears in Collections: | [勞工研究所] 學位論文
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