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    Title: 政府機關員工協助方案的執行研究
    The implementation of employee assistance programs in the public sector
    Authors: 彭亭雅
    Peng, Ting-Ya
    Contributors: 施能傑
    Peng, Ting-Ya
    Keywords: 員工協助方案
    Employee assistance programs
    Policy implementation
    Case study
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:19:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 員工協助方案的實施不僅能為組織提高績效,更被員工視為良好工作環境的要素,而我國對於員工協助方案的研究多集中於與企業相關以及量化的分析討論。基此,本研究欲以政策執行的角度分析我國政府機關之員工協助方案,並利用質化訪談資料與政府公開資料來分析政府機關員工協助方案之執行標準、執行作為以及影響執行的因素。
    Implementation of Employee assistance program (EAP) can not only improve performance of an organization, but also be regarded by its employees as an element of a decent working environment. This study intends to analyze EAP in Taiwan from the perspective of policy implementation. The research has used interview data and government open data to analysis the implementing standards and actions of EAP in the public sector, as well as the factors that might affect the course of implementation.
    For the purpose of responding to the research questions, this study has discussed the EAP in the public sector through case study. The research has used the evaluation indicators of the “Executive Yuan affiliated and local authorities promote employee assistance programs effectiveness evaluation plan” and the “Employee assistance programme standards framework” from UK Employee assistance professionals association to analyze the implementing standards of EAP. On the other hand, the research has used interviews to collect the factors that might affect the course of implementation and implementing actions of EAP carried out by the following government agencies: the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Overseas Community Affairs Council, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of National Defense. With the qualitative data, this research discussed the implementing standards and actions of EAP in the public sector, as well as the factors that might affect the course of implementation.
    The research presents three findings. First, at least six criteria as follows should be met for EAP in public sector: 1. EAP has addressed to its employees’ needs. 2. The head of agency and directors of each department understand and support EAP. 3. The resources within an agency are integrated. 4. The user’s privacy information of EAP is confidential. 5. EAP is effectively promoted. 6. EAP will evaluate its results and make adjustments accordingly.Second, in terms of implementing actions of EAP in each agency, the service content of EAP showed the most difference, followed by the service model of EAP. However, referral of EAP indicated no significant difference.Third, communication network in the context of executive agency will affect the referral and service content of EAP. Furthermore, the resources of an agency allocated to EAP will influence the referral, service model, and service content of EAP, while the bureaucratic structure of an agency will have an impact on service model and service content of EAP.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105256031
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000149
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