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Title: | 導入B2B電商整合行銷採購雲端供應鏈管理作業系統對營運績效及競爭優勢影響之研究 -以A貿易公司為例 Research on the Impact of B2B E-Commerce Integrated Marketing Purchasing Cloud Supply Chain Management Operation System on Operational Performance and Competitive Advantage- A case study of Trading Company A |
Authors: | 江年生 Chiang, Nien-Sheng |
Contributors: | 羅明琇 Lo, Ming-Shiow 江年生 Chiang, Nien-Sheng |
Keywords: | 營運績效 電子商務 企業的核心競爭力 波特五力分析 服務創新 Operational performance E-commerce Core competitiveness of enterprises Porter Five Force Analysis Service innovation |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2020-03-02 11:08:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 從前的資訊封閉不流通,貿易商憑藉著掌握特定訊息做為商業談判籌碼以維持其生存利基。隨著全球運籌方式的改變,製造商與貿易商的界線愈來愈模糊。網路資訊透明化、微利化、跨境電子商務之興起,造成「貿易商面臨被去中間化的危機」,今後應該要重新思考如何由賺取價差、佣金的中間貿易商,轉變為能整合上下游供應鏈伙伴的價值整合者。身處於客戶與供應廠商之間如何提升自己的附加價值、因應「去中間化」的挑戰,客戶、貿易商、供應商三者的競合關係與策略發展為本研究主要的研究議題,本研究目的旨在探討貿易商在全球化的趨勢下,可以如何創造自我存在價值。 供應鏈的整合營運模式目前已成為現今企業發展的主流,電子商務交易模式的發展使得人們的消費行為改變,在網路資訊傳播迅速而世界企業走向全球化競爭的同時,國際上大型的通路商、品牌商主導的供應鏈體系已不斷地整合擴張,積極地強化往前往後的垂直與橫向整合能力,以嘗試找出更多具服務差異化的競爭優勢,而這樣的改變也使得以顧客價值為導向的整合性競爭模式成為全球主流。 本研究以日本進口流行時尚布料輔料配件零售批發A貿易公司為研究對象,探討其在整個貿易不同時期的變化中所面臨的問題與機會點。透過歸納分析推論,藉由探討專業貿易商的競爭優勢及其如何在這樣的大環境中脫穎而出創造出其存在價值。研究結果顯示,現今環境中,多元化管道是拓展業務機會必然的方式,最後本研究結論建議摘述如下:(1)關係維護:與供應商及客戶建立良好的關係。(2)客戶服務:提供客製化及完善的售後服務並滿足客戶一站購足。(3)順應趨勢:訂單碎片化、微利化,適應變化才是企業的生存之道。(4)提高對大數據的敏銳度與掌握度以及高度的市場敏銳度。無論是運用何種方式來拓展新機會,最重要的還是要準確的行銷,方能創造出1+1大於2的效果。除此之外,要提供顧客total solution,才能穩定增加獲利能力。 In the past, the information was closed and the traders used their specific information as a bargaining chip to maintain their survival. As the global approach to operations changes, the boundaries between manufacturers and traders are increasingly blurred. The rise of network information, meager profit, and the rise of cross-border e-commerce have caused “traders to face the crisis of being de-intermediated.” In the future, we should rethink how to change from intermediate traders who earn spreads and commissions to integrate Value integrators of upstream and downstream supply chain partners. In the process of how to enhance their added value between customers and suppliers, and in response to the challenge of “de-intermediation”, the competition and strategy development of customers, traders and suppliers are the main research topics of this research. It aims to explore how traders can create self-existence values under the trend of globalization. The integrated operation mode of the supply chain has become the mainstream of today`s enterprise development. The development of e-commerce transaction mode has changed people`s consumption behavior. At the same time that the network information spreads rapidly and the world enterprises go global, the international large-scale distributors The brand-led supply chain system has been continuously integrated and expanded, and actively strengthens the vertical and horizontal integration capabilities after the trip, in an attempt to identify more competitive advantages with service differentiation, and such changes also make customer value The oriented and integrated competition model has become the mainstream of the world. This study takes Japan`s imported fashion textile accessories wholesale and retail A trading company as the research object, and explores the problems and opportunities it faces in the changes of the whole trade. Inductive analysis inferences, by exploring the competitive advantages of professional traders and how to stand out in such a big environment to create their existence value. The research results show that in today`s environment, diversified pipelines are the inevitable way to expand business opportunities. Finally, the conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: (1) Relationship maintenance: Establish good relationships with suppliers and customers. (2) Customer Service: Provide customized and perfect after-sales service and satisfy customers with one-stop shopping. (3) Compliance trend: order fragmentation, meager profit, adapt to change is the way to survive. (4) Improve the acumen and mastery of big data and a high degree of market acumen. No matter the way to expand new opportunities, the most important thing is to accurately market, in order to create a 1+1 greater than 2 effect. In addition, to provide customers total solution, in order to stabilize the profitability. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 106932021 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1069320211 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000263 |
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