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Title: | 跨國公司在台灣執行企業社會責任之研究--以某日商藥廠為例 Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility of Multinational Companies in Taiwan-A Case Study of a Japanese Pharmaceutical Company |
Authors: | 鄭永琪 Cheng, Yung-Chie |
Contributors: | 宋皇志 鄭永琪 Cheng, Yung-Chie |
Keywords: | 企業社會責任 跨國藥廠 社會貢獻 日本藥廠 CSR multinational pharmaceutical company Japanese pharmaceutical company society contribution |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2020-03-02 11:07:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 對跨國公司而言,企業社會責任早已是全球性的趨勢。而「要如何在台灣發起企業社會責任」對跨國藥廠來講也一直都是很重要的課題;特別是對在台灣的子公司而言。我們都知道企業社會責任已經被認定為公司事業模式的一部份,它能夠幫助企業建立正面的公眾形像、吸引與留住尖端的人才及改善顧客與社群關係。這些效益對企業而言是長遠及廣泛的,這當中也包括強化客戶認同、改善銷售業績並進而促成財務的優異表現。 在台灣,我們知道大型企業都非常重視企業社會責任,並且也都獲得管理階層與股東的支持;同時企業社會責任報告書對股票上市公司而言更是投資人關注的重要指標。生技產業蓬勃發展,而且也是政府極力推動的產業。當中,製藥產業更是被寄予厚望。 本研究,首先我們將聚焦目前幾家標竿大型企業執行企業社會責任概況,接著了解生技產業的藥廠在台灣所執行的企業社會責任,這些藥廠將包括台灣本土大藥廠、美國藥廠、歐洲藥廠與日本藥廠。而我們研究發現除本土藥廠外,跨國藥廠的在台灣的企業社會責任大多以跟聲望有關的社會貢獻為主,並與事業活動相結合,這與之前其他研究結果類似。 接下來,我們將以個案公司為例,探討其更全面思維的企業社會責任方案。個案公司是一家跨國的日本藥廠在台子公司,鑑於總公司在全球執行了全面性的企業社會責任,台灣子公司也認知到企業社會責任對公司的重要與價值。所以個案公司善用其公司核心能力與總公司的準則提出在台灣執行企業社會責任方案。這些具體方案包括:成立企業社會責任委員會,以貫徹監督與執行,強化合規的宣導與落實,更優化對員工的承諾與照顧,深化企業文化的宣導並置入企業社會責任的精神,拓展對弱勢醫療服務的範疇,推廣志工服務的理念讓員工成為社會貢獻的主體,合作社會創新企業並聚焦環保議題,運用核心能力提出創新規劃等。 對一個子公司而言,在有限的資源下,去執行一個全面的企業社會責任是十分的挑戰,所以我們認為個案公司透過創新思維提出的企業社會責任框架的案例足以成為所有在台跨國藥廠的典範,並且能激發更多國內外藥廠更重視與投入社會責任的執行並對台灣能有所貢獻。 Corporate social responsibility had been a global trend to multinational company. However, ‘How to Initiate CSR (Corporate social responsibility) in Taiwan’ is an issue for multi-national pharmaceutical company, especially for affiliate-level pharmaceutical company. As we know the corporate social responsibility is recognized as important part of company`s business operation model, which initiative can not only attract positive publicity but also help to attract and retain top talent, and it may improve relationships with customers. The benefits can be far and wide, including client retention, improved sales, and financial success. In Taiwan, we can know mega enterprises valued CSR activities and supported by top management and stockholders, and the CSR report for Stock-index companies is an important investment indicator for investors in the worldwide. In recent year, Bio-medical industry is blooming, and it’s one of industries promoted and supported by Government in Taiwan. Among, pharmaceutical industry is prioritized option. Firstly, so we will focus to research CSR initiatives in Taiwan benchmarked mega company, and then to study what’s CSR activities implemented by pharmaceutical company in Taiwan, which companies will include Local, American, European and Japanese pharmaceutical company. In our finding as similar to previous studies, most of multi-national pharmaceutical companies devote CSR by focusing on society contribution by incorporating business activity aside from local pharmaceutical company. Following, we will take A Japanese Pharmaceutical Company’ case to explore its comprehensive CSR initiatives. The pharmaceutical company is a Taiwan affiliate, multinational Japanese company. Concerning HQ executed comprehensive CSR in the worldwide. The Japanese Pharma Taiwan recognized the value of CSR not just only in global but also in local, so the Japanese Pharma Taiwan propose and implement local CSR activity through its core capability and leveraging Global strength. Which initiatives includes Organize CSR management committee, Reinforce compliance promotion and implementation, Employee engagement excellence, Deepen corporate culture embedded CSR spirit, Explore medical service for vulnerable group, Enforce employees’ participation of social contribution, Collaborate social innovative enterprises to focus on environmental protection issue and utilize core capability to initiate innovative CSR. It’s a challenge to an affiliate level to propose holistic corporate social responsibility in Taiwan. So we think the innovative CSR framework proposed by the case company can be role model for other multinational pharmaceutical companies, and to inspire more pharmaceutical companies to value and execute CSR to contribute Taiwan society. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 106932177 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932177 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000152 |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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