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    Title: 智慧客製化服務創新之研究-以STITCH FIX為例
    A Study of Smart Customization Service
    Authors: 詹惠雯
    Chan, Hui-Wen
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Shang, Shari S.C.
    Chan, Hui-Wen
    Keywords: 大量客製化
    Mass Customization
    Big Data
    The Experience Economy
    Customer Service Value Cycle
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:05:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據資策會資料指出,電子商務將位居2020年全球新興產業之首,但「價格競爭激烈毛利偏低」「消費需求多變」卻為業者經營上遭遇之困境前二名,如何擺脫價格競爭與精準預測需求,是電子商務業者重要的經營課題。


    According to the Institute for Information Industry, III, e-commerce will rank first in the world`s emerging industries in 2020. However, “price competition is fierce and gross margins are low” and “consumer demand is changing” are the top two problems encountered by enterprises. And accurate demand forecasting is an important business issue for e-commerce players. This research focuses on how companies can drive data, change service thinking, and innovate business models in a highly competitive business environment. In the era of transition from the old economy to the new one, with consumers as the core, enterprises driving growth through the use of data to develop customized product innovations, having co-create experiences with customers to enhance service value.

    This study explores the aspects of service innovation of individual cases by exploring the business model, user purchase processes, data collection and processing applications, operation analysis and summarizes the advantages of smart customization service innovations, and presents views on future opportunities and threats.

    This research finds that Stitch Fix develops innovative business models of subscription fashion apparel box, with strong data teams, multi-data algorithms, multi-oriented big data applications, with consumers as the core, and all above provide the basis for business value optimization. Through human-machine collaboration, Stitch Fix provides personalized product customization services to create a co-experience with users. This achieves deep personalization, through customer participation to deliver service value and also generate WoW experience, fully reflects the good customer experience and creates a value cycle.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932097
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000188
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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