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    Title: 試論《電動汽車安全全球技術法規》是否為WTO《技術性貿易障礙協定》下之國際標準
    Legal Analysis on Whether the Global Technical Regulation on Electric Vehicle Safety is an International Standard under WTO TBT Agreement
    Authors: 林玫君
    Lin, Mei-Chun
    Contributors: 施文真
    Shin, Wen-Chen
    Lin, Mei-Chun
    Keywords: 電動車
    Electric Vehicles
    TBT Agreement
    International Standard
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 10:58:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於全球氣候暖化,各國致力減少二氧化碳之排放,紛紛祭出電動汽車產業發展政策。惟車輛生產與貿易過程中,時常因技術及法規差異而形成貿易障礙,製造商須耗費大量成本及時間遵循各國不同規範,對汽車產業發展及貿易形成不利影響。2018年3月14日,世界車輛法規協調論壇通過《電動汽車安全全球技術法規》,其乃由美國、歐盟、日本與中國共同帶頭制定,為第一個專門規範電動車安全的技術性法規,內容主要針對車輛性能訂有規範,同時也規定電動汽車滿足安全性能要求的試驗方法。
    Due to the global warming, countries are committed to reducing CO2 emissions, developing some policies for promoting the electric vehicle industry. However, during the production and the trade of vehicles, the differences of the techniques and the regulations often result in trade barriers. Manufacturers have to spend a lot of cost and time to follow different regulations in various countries, which adversely affects the development of the automotive industry and the trade between countries. On March 14, 2018, WP.29 adopted the “Global Technical Regulations on the Safety of Electric Vehicles (EVS-GTR)”, which was jointly developed by the United States, the European Union, Japan, and China. It is the first technical regulation specifically regulating the safety of electric vehicles. It’s mainly related to performance requirement of the electric vehicles and some test procedures for meeting the safety performance requirements of electric vehicles.
    WTO TBT Agreement aims to further implement the objectives of the GATT 1994 and eliminate trade barriers resulted from technical regulations or standards. EVS-GTR is the first regulation related to the safety techniques of electric vehicles in the world. It plays an important role since the purpose is to harmonize the safety technical regulations between FMVSS and ECE. This thesis will analyze whether the EVS-GTR is the international standard under the TBT Agreement through the relevant provisions of the TBT Agreement, relevant documents of the TBT Committee, reports of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body and official information from the WP.29. After that, we will know whether the EVS-GTR will achieve the purpose of promoting international trade, and whether the EVS-GTR eliminate trade barriers resulted from the differences of the regulations of electric vehicles.
    Reference: 中文部分



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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106351041
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000365
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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