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    题名: 英語非母語的國際英文教師之自我定位:在台灣工作的兩位教師之個案研究
    Self-positioning of Two NNES International English Teachers: A Qualitative Case Study in Taiwan
    作者: 羅毓蓮
    Lo, Vivianne Yu-Lien
    贡献者: 黃怡萍
    Huang, Yi-Ping
    Lo, Vivianne Yu-Lien
    关键词: 英語非母語教師
    Non-native English-speaking teachers
    Multilingual Teachers
    English teacher professionalism
    Positioning Theory
    Native Speaker Fallacy
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-03-02 10:56:20 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在現今高度國際化且人口流動度高的社會中,傳統上對於「中師、外師」分類已無法充分呈現英語教師多元的文化及語言背景 (Ellis, 2013)。在以英語為外語的環境中,由於不適用於目前對英語教師的二分法,英語非母語國際英文教師之特殊身份時常未受到注意,使得他們的經驗鮮少得到探究。透過質性研究方法,本研究旨在探討兩位在台灣工作的英語非母語國際英文教師之身份認同發展及自我定位。主要資料來源為口語敘事、半結構式訪談及工作相關文件,並藉由Carspecken (1996)的編碼策略進行分析。研究發現並非所有英語非母語教師都將其非母語身份視為教學生涯中的困境,而在這類教師面對母語者謬誤之社會論述時,不同的成長經驗對於其態度有深刻的影響。本研究之兩位參與者在面對此意識型態時經歷非常不同的轉變及身份認同發展過程。其中一位在面對家長質疑其教學資格時,歷經許多內心掙扎與強烈的焦慮感。另外一位則自信於本身的能力,接納多元語言文化的價值,堅守專業原則,未受到偏頗言論之影響。這樣的結果顯示出教師成長背景之社會論述—社會互動中的行為、文字及言語 (Varghese et al., 2005)—及環境對於教師專業發展的重要性。因此,本研究呼籲重新檢視英語教學專業之定義、解鎖與母語者謬誤相關的誤導性社會言論,並加強師資培育。
    In this highly globalized world with increasing mobility, the traditional categories of teachers no longer do justice to the diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds of English teachers in the classroom (Ellis, 2013). The unique identities of Non-native English-speaking (NNES) international teachers working in EFL contexts often go unnoticed as they do not fit into the current division of English teachers as “local” and “foreign” teachers associated with non-native and native speakers respectively. Thus, their experiences are barely explored. This study, through a qualitative case study approach, aimed to probe into two NNES international teachers’ identity development and self-positioning in Taiwan. Oral narratives, semi-structure interviews, and work documents were the major data sources analyzed based on Carspecken’s (1996) model of coding strategies. The findings showed that nativeness may not be a serious issue for NNESTs, and that social discourse has a profound influence on NNESTs’ attitude towards Native Speaker Fallacy. Confronted with such ideology, the two participants underwent different changes in identity and self-positioning development due to their distinctive upbringing experiences: One of them struggled through intense anxiety when being questioned and challenged by stakeholders for her legitimacy to teach English while the other one strongly believed in her capabilities, embracing the values of multilingualism and professionalism, unaffected by the prevailing bias around her. Such contrast indicates the influence of the social discourse and environment on a teacher’s professional development Therefore, this study suggests the necessity of redefining English teaching professionalism, problematizing the misleading social discourse of Native Speaker Fallacy, and strengthening teacher education.
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104551008
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000350
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