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Title: | 論童妮.莫里森小說《蘇拉》中的縫合與社會幻象 Quilting and Social Fantasy in Toni Morrison`s Sula |
Authors: | 方思涵 Fang, Sy-Han |
Contributors: | 蔡佳瑾 姜翠芬 Tsai, Chia-Chin Jiang, Tsui-Fen 方思涵 Fang, Sy-Han |
Keywords: | 童妮.莫里森 《蘇拉》 縫合 漂浮能指 縫合點 代罪羔羊 社會幻象 Toni Morrison Sula Quilting Floating signifier Nodal point Scapegoat Social fantasy |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2020-03-02 10:56:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文旨在探討童妮.莫里森的小說《蘇拉》中麓谷社群和小說中的人物蘇拉之間所產生之衝突與此社群所建立之意識形態。當蘇拉與社群既定的價值觀產生歧異時,其差異並未被排除在外,而是被容忍並收編成為社群中所定義之惡人。當該差異被納入社會體系中時,蘇拉對於社群意識形態系統之威脅力也相對受到控制;反之,將她排除則無法控管其差異所可能產生之危險。齊澤克的「縫合」理論 (quilting) 在許多層面上都體現了麓谷社群中所發展的意識形態,有鑑於此社群居民對於蘇拉有不同的解讀,她被視為一漂浮能指 (floating signifier),麓谷居民透過定義蘇拉為社群中邪惡的化身這一縫合點 (nodal point),將她縫合進社會的符號體系中。 由於社群居民相信因為蘇拉被縫合於社會結構內,他們得以將社群中所發生之亂象歸因於蘇拉,當蘇拉被視為社會亂象之因時,她進一步成為社群中的代罪羔羊並意外地鼓勵居民更團結一致,因為有她作為反面的儆戒,居民才得以認同並確信自己作為善的一方之價值,麓谷也因此成為一個團結的社群。社群中的人們相信在她過世後,自己的社群得以更為完滿;然而,蘇拉的死亡不僅沒有符合他們的預期,反而透露了實際上並沒有所謂完滿之社群。蘇拉作為代罪羔羊隱蔽了這一事實,而「社會幻象」 (social fantasy) 適切地闡釋了所謂社群完滿性之假象,正是因為社會幻象,居民才能免於面對他們所期待的完滿社群實際上並不存在的事實。隨著蘇拉的離世,社會幻象不復存,居民被迫面對不可能實現的社群完滿性,麓谷社群繼而崩塌,也揭露了因為麓谷居民仰賴蘇拉以穩固社群的總體價值,蘇拉在整體社群中所佔有之核心地位。 This thesis aims at exploring the Bottom`s established ideology and its conflict with the character Sula in Toni Morrison`s novel Sula. When Sula does not hold onto the social values in the community, the Bottom, in response to her difference, incorporates her into its social system instead of ruling her out. Since excluding her from the society leaves her power ungoverned, registering her into their social system renders her power manageable. Quilting, proposed in Žižek`s theory of hegemony, plays an important role in the ideology of the community in Sula on many levels. For the townspeople, Sula resembles the floating signifier when she remains open for interpretation. The Bottom people quilt her in the regulated system by relating her to the social definitions formulated by the community. Naming her evil serves as the nodal point that people in the Bottom adopt to quilt her in the social structure of the community. When Sula is believed to be quilted in the social system of the community, the Bottom people are able to trace the root of social disorder to Sula. When they are relieved to find Sula culpable for the ongoing chaos in the Bottom, she comes to be the scapegoat responsible for the social disorder. The townspeople are able to perceive the Bottom as a united community when Sula as the scapegoat heightens the sense of unity. Sula functions as the negative example against which the Bottom people define themselves, allowing them to consider themselves to be the good ones. They believe that the Bottom will develop itself into a full community after Sula perishes. However, the death of a scapegoat reveals nothing but the absence of a full community. In this sense, social fantasy manifests how Sula as the scapegoat masks the void of a full community. What keeps the Bottom people from the confrontation with the emptiness of a full community is social fantasy. Following Sula`s death, the absence once masked by her presence is exposed to the townspeople and the Bottom collapses when the spell of social fantasy is broken. Morrison, by the end of the novel, reveals that people in the community centralize Sula`s presence and rely on her to sustain social meanings in their life. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 104551001 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104551001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000121 |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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