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    题名: 以隨創建構資源的知識中介者-法律白話文運動個案研究
    Knowledge broker using bricolage to construct resources - A case study of Plain Law Movement
    作者: 劉嘉文
    Liu, Chia-Wen
    贡献者: 張瑜倩
    Chang, Yu-Chien
    Liu, Chia-Wen
    关键词: 知識倡議組織
    Knowledge advocacy group
    Knowledge broker
    Knowledge dissemination
    Plain Law Movement
    日期: 2020
    上传时间: 2020-02-05 18:32:01 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 近年來,民眾開始關注社會議題,並多從新聞媒體獲得相關資訊;然而媒體提供的資訊時常有疏漏且不夠全面的問題,再加上社群媒體之普及,因而促使知識倡議組織的興起,憑藉其專業知識傳播正確且論述完整的資訊,希冀培養民眾理性思考的習慣。為達成該願景,知識倡議組織必須善用資源,將專業知識擴散至更多受眾,並突破民眾的舊思維框架。然而,絕大數的組織並未掌握大量資源,故如何透過隨創,在資源貧乏下突破物質制約與環境制約,對於知識倡議組織而言為一重要課題。


    Recently, the awareness of social issues has increased; additionally, public usually receive related information from the media, which sometimes provide incomplete and erroneous information, which leads to the emergence of knowledge advocacy groups. These groups utilize its profession to spread correct and complete information, and aim to cultivate rational people. To achieve the goal, knowledge advocacy groups have to use resources appropriately, spread specialized knowledge to more audiences, and persuade public to rethink outside the framework. Yet, most knowledge advocacy groups do not hold tremendous resources. Thus, breaking through the constraints with limited resources has become a crucial obstacle for knowledge advocacy groups.

    This research aims to understand how knowledge advocacy groups construct resources and disseminate knowledge to the public. This research uses “Plain Law Movement” as a case, which was founded in 2013 and had established close relationship with its numerous fans. Through in-depth interviews, this research examines the process of constructing resources using the lens of bricolage. In addition, as a knowledge broker, how “Plain Law Movement” transfers, translates, or transforms knowledge to decrease the gap between the profession and the normal?

    The research finds out that content knowledge is essential for knowledge advocacy groups, and the groups should take advantage of time wisely to generate more contents while they face financial and manpower shortage. As the reputation of the advocacy groups increase, the groups would have more opportunities to recruit talents and attract a variety of audiences. Besides, to maintain the quality of contents, the groups could interact with their fans and absorb feedbacks from them in order to generate better topics. Moreover, knowledge advocacy groups could use diverse intermediaries to stimulate people to reach specialized knowledge, which agglomerates different knowledge areas. While intersection exists between interdisciplinary knowledge, the groups could discern novel knowledge and then decide between transferring, translating, and transforming knowledge. This research expects to contribute to both construction of resources and dissemination of knowledge for knowledge advocacy groups.
    參考文獻: Ardichvili, A., Cardozo, R., & Ray, S. (2003). A theory of entrepreneurial opportunity identification and development. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(1), 105-123.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364215
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000062
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