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    Title: 音節結構差異所導致之臺灣韓語學習者發音問題研究
    A Study on Korean pronunciation errors of Korean learners in Taiwan
    Authors: 傅子杰
    Fu, Tz-Jie
    Contributors: 朴炳善
    Fu, Tz-Jie
    Keywords: 韓語教育
    Korean Education
    Pronunciation Education
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-02-05 18:14:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因為韓流的崛起近年來臺灣的韓語學習者不斷增加,且如果仔細觀察一些指標可以發現臺灣的韓語學習者對自己的韓語能力有相當的要求。臺灣的韓國語文能力測驗(TOPIK)的報名人數呈現每年逐漸上升的趨勢;並且以考試人口占總人口的比例來推算的話,台灣有全世界最高的韓國語文能力測驗報考率。可以從以上的指標得知臺灣的學習者除了對韓語學習的熱情逐年上升之外,也可以知道臺灣的韓語學習者們對自己的韓語實力有一定的要求。為了滿足學習者們這樣的需求,臺灣需要更有系統且更在地化的韓語教學體系。
    The rise of the Korean wave has led to a continual increase in learners of Korean language in Taiwan; some indicators have revealed that these learners exhibit a certain level of demand for fluency in Korean. Therefore, a systematic and localized Korean teaching system must be established in Taiwan.
    Korean language learners with Mandarin as their mother language are faced with numerous challenges and mispronunciation no matter how many studies have been conducted on the difference between Korean phonemes and Mandarin phonemes. This is because in Korean, a pronunciation unit is constituted by a syllable rather than a single phoneme. A syllable comprises multiple phonemes, the combination of which is limited by specific constraints. Consequently, Korean language learners are bound to be challenged by syllables that do not exist in their mother languages; even if the target language has a phonemic structure completely identical to that of the mother language, the difference in their phoneme combinations can prevent learners’ correct pronunciation in the target language.
    This paper focuses on the constraints in phoneme combinations; that is, this paper discusses the effect of the phonemic structure differences between Korean and Mandarin on Taiwanese people’s Korean learning. The purpose of this study is to identify the types of Korean pronunciation that are relatively unfamiliar to Taiwanese learners. The differences between Korean and Mandarin regarding their syllable structures and constraints in phoneme combinations will be examined to predict the pronunciation problems Taiwanese learners encounter in Korean learning. Finally, a pronunciation experiment will be conducted with these learners on these problematic Korean syllables to confirm the actual difficulties the learners encounter in Korean pronunciation.
    Reference: 참고문헌

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106557002
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000037
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Korea Language and culture] Theses

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