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    Title: 臺灣借閱排行榜與暢銷書排行榜之觀察研究 : 兼論圖書被借與被買之關聯性
    Observation on Taiwan’s Lending Rankings and Bestsellers: Also on the Relevance of Books Being Borrowed and Bought
    Authors: 趙菁瑩
    Chao, Ching-Ying
    Contributors: 邱炯友
    Chiu, Jeong-Yeou
    Chao, Ching-Ying
    Keywords: 暢銷書
    Bestseller list
    Book landing ranking
    Public library
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-02-05 17:51:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 閱讀是伴隨個體認知而選擇的活動,閱讀行為則是經由內在心理或外在環境而引發與閱讀相關的外顯活動,而群體的閱讀行為即可視為閱讀文化的展現,其中暢銷書排行榜及圖書館借閱排行榜,即是顯示集體閱讀行為的方式之一,從排行榜中亦能略知當下的社會環境與時事議題,並進一步幫助我們探討讀者與圖書間的關係。因此本研究以排行榜為出發點,瞭解暢銷書排行榜與借閱排行榜間的關係、差異及造成差異之影響因素。而後再針對暢銷書進一步瞭解其特性與共通性,綜合結果提出建議。
    一、經由比對暢銷書排行榜及借閱排行榜發現,被借與被買重疊的書籍,在圖書館分類方面,多分佈於「哲學」、「社會科學」及「語言文學」類 ; 在書店分類方面則主要分佈在「心理勵志」、「文學小說/文學」及「商業理財/財經企管」類居多。借閱排行榜新書為少數,暢銷書排行榜則是以新書為主。
    二、分析造成排行榜間差異之因素發現:(一)以圖書館分類來看,「藝術類」、「宗教類」及「世界史地類」圖書,讀者會較偏好用借閱的方式取得。(二)從書店分類來分析,「心理勵志類」、「商業理財/財經企管類」及「語言學習/語言,字辭典類」書籍讀者有偏向於以購買的方式取得 ; 「宗教命理類」、「藝術設計類」、「漫畫」、「旅遊類」的書籍,讀者有選擇以借閱的方式取得的趨勢,而「電腦資訊類」、「考試書」及「參考類」書籍雖入榜的數量不多,但也有偏向於以借閱的方式取得的趨勢。(三)圖書從出版到圖書館上架的時間差距(時間屬性)、圖書館館藏資源與政策(複本數及借閱期限)皆為可能影響暢銷書排行榜及借閱排行榜間差異的因素。(四)圖書的價格不大影響暢銷書排行榜及借閱排行榜。
    “Reading” is a kind of choice that accompany with individual cognition, and “Reading behavior” can be explained as an explicit activity that driven by people’s internal psychological and external stimulus. According to public libraries’ lending rankings and bestseller lists, it can help us to explain present issues and social environment. Furthermore, it also help to explore the relationship between readers and books.
    Therefore, this study focus on the relationship between public libraries’ lending rankings and the list of bestsellers, and explore the commonality of bestsellers.
    According to the results of this study, the main conclusions are as follows:
    1. This study observe that the same of the books on the public libraries’ lending rankings and the list of bestsellers mostly distributed in the “Philosophy”, “Applied sciences” and “Linguistics and Literature” under the library classification; on the other hand, under the bookstore classification, mostly distributed in the “Psychological inspirational”, “Literary Fiction/literature” and “Business & Finance/ Financial business management”. New books are the minority of the public libraries’ lending rankings, but belong to the majority in the list of bestsellers.
    2. Analysis of the factors that cause the differences between the rankings:
    (1) “Art”, “Religion” and “History” and Geography” tend to be borrowed under the library classification.
    (2) “Religion”, “Art design”, ”Comics” and “Travel” tend to be borrowed; “Psychological inspirational”, “Business & Finance/Financial business management” and ”Language learning” tend to be bought under the bookstore classification.
    (3) The time gap from books published to the library provide to the readers, and the number of copies and the borrowing period both may affect the lists of bestsellers and the public library lending rankings.
    (4) The price of books does not greatly affect the list of bestsellers and the public library lending rankings.
    3. Based on the results of this study, the researcher had made several recommendations for libraries and publishers, there are as follows:
    (1) Library: provide new books to the library readers faster, and understand the users’ demand for different type of books. Library should also cooperate with authors and publishers, follow the way of bestselling to marketing the collections, and return to the nature of reading to promote holdings.
    (2) Publisher: Publishers should pay attention to the events that happen recently and show the products through new social media. In the internal of publisher, each departments should have communication, coordination and cooperation. And the most important key point for a success bestseller, is the content of the books.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106155016
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000044
    Appears in Collections:[圖書資訊與檔案學研究所] 學位論文

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