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    Title: 激發求職行為之業務招募廣告概念研究——以S公司為例
    The Study of advertisement concept that stimulating job search behavior of agent recruitment- the case of S Company
    Authors: 馮韋琪
    Feng, Wei-Qi
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Feng, Wei-Qi
    Keywords: 房仲業務
    The real estate agent
    Job search behavior
    Product concept
    Means-End Chain
    Advertisement concept
    Strategic marketing
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-12-06 09:25:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 受房市景氣、工作時長和收入穩定度等因素影響,房仲業務流動率高,人才需求量大,各房仲業者紛紛拋出優渥的工作條件吸引求職者。作爲台灣知名的房仲業者之一,S公司也積極地推出徵才計劃,吸引畢業生們加入。然而隨著媒體環境的改變和求職者資訊需求的變化,S公司的招募廣告成效不盡人意。因此,爲了提升廣告成效,增加求職者投遞履歷意願,本研究從求職者角度出發,探尋其從事業務工作的目的與價值、重視的工作條件等,發展有效的廣告概念,爲S公司未來的行銷提供定位及方向。
    通過深度訪談和量化問卷調查,本研究發現求職者從事業務工作主要是為了提升能力,拓展未來職涯發展道路。也因此,S公司目標對象尤其重視企業的課程培訓制度。運用產品概念的發展方法—目的鏈模型 ( Means-End Chain ),本研究提出的兩個新廣告概念,其認同度均高於舊的廣告概念,尤其是在信任度構面上的提升最明顯,較好地幫S公司提升招募廣告的可信度,激發求職行為。除此之外,新的廣告概念對S公司潛在的目標對象如排斥業務工作者、有工作經驗者亦一定成效。
    Due to the market of the real estate, the length of working time and the stability of income, real estate agent usually have high turnover rate, which makes the agency have high demand on the talents. So many companies provide competitive salary to attract candidates. As one of Taiwan’s famous real estate agency, S company carries out the recruitment project positively, in order to attract the graduates. However, with the changes of media environment as well as the information demand of candidates, S company feels difficult to arouse their interest. Therefore, in order to improving the advertisement effectiveness, this paper is going to find out the value of being a real estate agent and what they care about. After that, this paper will develop effective advertisement concept, providing marketing strategy of recruitment for S company. Through in-depth interviewing and questionnaire, the study finds out candidates apply for this job intend to cultivate their abilities to have a promising career. As a result, the training system is extraordinary important to S company’s target audience. Using the Means-End Chain Models, the study finds out two new advertisement concepts of which acceptance is higher than the old one, especially improving the credibility. Additionally, the survey also finds out that new concepts are also effective to people who is not willing to do this job and who has no working experience. To sum up, this paper suggests that S company could choose concept 1 for target audience because it performs no difference in different groups, and also matches to the main group of ability improvement. If target audience expends in the future, S company could move them by using concept 2: helping others to gain achievement as the advertisement theme.
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    四、 其他
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    7. 游智文,2018年08月09日,KUSO《與神同行2》獲好評 永慶揪網友看電影,聯合新聞網,檢自:https://udn.com/news/story/7241/3299322
    8. 葉思含,2018年02月10日,年後轉職潮 房仲大舉徵才,自由時報,檢自:https://estate.ltn.com.tw/article/4762
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1063631211
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901258
    Appears in Collections:[MBA Program] Theses

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