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    Title: 中國學派創造過程:背景,概觀與案例分析
    Theoretical Construction and the Fledgling `Chinese School` of IR in China: Background, Overview and Case Study Analysis
    Authors: 黃軻
    Pickett, Kristopher William
    Contributors: 薛健吾
    Hsueh, Alex Chienwu
    Kristopher William Pickett
    Keywords: 國際關係
    International Relations
    International Relations Theory
    Yan Xuetong
    Qin Yaqing
    Zhao Tingyang
    Chinese School
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-11-06 15:31:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在中國學術界的某些領域,尤其是在國際關係領域,人們熱切希望建立一所中國的國際關係學院。本文試圖通過對秦亞青和閻學通的理論進行考察和檢驗來提取中國國際關係理論的主要理論成分。此外,這項工作也突出了,但沒有考驗,他們的作品和趙廷陽的理論。它也試圖了解這對更廣泛的國際關係辯論有何意義(如果有的話)。本文首先分析了中國理論建構的歷史趨勢和更廣泛的IR領域的演變。接下來,概述了西方或傳統的IR理論。其次是對秦亞青和嚴學通的主要理論要素的綜合分析。最後兩部分通過中國使用武力的歷史和當代案例來檢驗這些理論的有效性。歷史案例包括:朝鮮戰爭1950-1953,中國台灣海上戰爭1954年,中國台灣海峽戰爭1958年,中印戰爭1962年,中越戰爭1979年和約翰遜南礁戰爭1988年。同期案件該研究通過調查美國海軍EP-3偵察機事件,USNS Impeccable 事件以及南沙群島特徵組中的中國島嶼建設項目來調查南海爭端。在所有測試的案例中,證明CIRT無法解釋中國使用武力,發現現實主義是解釋中國在歷史上和同時使用武力的更好指標。
    In certain areas of Chinese academics, most notably in the field of IR, there has been an ardent push for constructing a Chinese school of international relations. This work is an attempt to extract the major underlying theoretical components of Chinese International Relations Theory by examining and testing both Qin Yaqing and Yan Xuetong’s theoreties. In addition, this work also highlights, but does not test, they works and theories of Zhao Tingyang. It is also and attempt to understand what, if any, significance this has for the wider IR debate. This work first analyzes the historical trend for theoretical construction within China and the evolution of the field of IR more broadly. Next, an overview of Western, or traditional, theories of IR is outlined. Followed by this is a comprehensive analysis of Qin Yaqing and Yan Xuetong’s major theoretical elements. The final two sections test the validity of these theories both through historical and contemporary cases of China’s use of force. The historical cases tested are: The Korean War 1950-1953, China-Taiwan Offshore Island War 1954, China-Taiwan Strait War 1958, Sino-Indian War 1962, Sino-Vietnamese War 1979 and The Johnson South Reef Skirmish 1988. The contemporaneous case study investigates the South China Sea disputes by surveying the U.S. Navy EP-3 surveillance plane incident, the USNS Impeccable incident and Chinese island building project in the area of the Spratly feature group. In all cases tested, it is demonstrated that CIRT fails to explain China’s use of force, finding that realism is a better indicator of interpreting China’s use of force both historically and contemporaneously.
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