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    Title: 科技導意:形塑使用者意會賦能博物館商店服務創新
    Technology sensegiving: shaping users’ sensemaking for enabling service innovation in museum store
    Authors: 徐嘉黛
    Hsu, Chia-Tai
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Hsu, Chia-Tai
    Keywords: 創新採納
    Innovation adoption
    Technology sensemaking
    User cognition
    Museum exhibition
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-11-06 15:31:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業應該擔心的不是創新有無被採納,而是創新為何錯誤地被採納。無論有無科技涉入,許多創新被採用時,由於使用者認知的落差,在陌生狀態下產生曲解的意會,而造成對創新有誤會的解讀。此時,就算使用者採納創新,也不見得能夠發揮預期的效果。設計者要如何才能夠引導使用者才能有效地採用創新,成為重要議題。本研究分析國立故宮博物院商店舉辦的快閃展,了解使用者面對數位典藏所產生的誤解性採納問題。本文解析觀眾意會的三個階段:初始意會、導意作法、再意會,以便理解使用者認知歷程,如何由初始意會而後又改變原先的意會。這樣的分析需要深入理解策劃人、創新與觀眾之間的互動,探索策劃人是用什麼方式引導觀眾的認知,而運用導意的方式重新建構觀眾的意會,最後使觀眾能有效地採納,也就是以新的方式領會博物館文物的意義。學理上,本文點出重塑使用者認知於創新採納過程中的過程,闡釋策劃人導意的作法,理解如何從觀眾認知的曲解中找到重新詮釋文物的契機,引導使用者的再意會,因而浮現新的體會。實務上,本文解讀一套策展的導意策略,藉由理解觀眾的誤會而找出改變觀眾的意會。當創新採納能知道使用者驚訝的構成,就能夠引導驚訝變成驚喜,進而讓創新採納變得有效,使博物館策展不再是不動與互動,而是產生文化上的感動。
    Oftentimes, what we should really worry is not whether an innovation is adopted or not, but why innovation is adopted misleadingly. When numerous innovations are adopted, users are likely to misinterpret their applications. This is due to users’ cognitive dissonance and results in making wrong senses of the innovation. As such, even though users adopt the innovation, it may not necessarily lead to anticipate outcomes. In this circumstance, designers need to develop ways to guide users so as to adopt innovations effectively. This thesis analyzes the pop-up exhibition at the National Palace Museum Store to understand audiences’ adoption of the digital archive of cultural artifacts. The analysis follows the variation process of sensemaking in three steps: Initial sensemaking, sensegiving and sense-remaking. It traces changes in user`s cognitive process mediated by designers’ sensegiving practices. This study analyzes the interaction among exhibition organizers, artifacts (and replicas), and audiences to explore how designers guide audiences’ cognitive understanding through sensegiving practices. Audiences are able to comprehend the meaning of museum artifacts. Theoretically, this research elaborates designers’ sensegiving practice in reshaping users’ cognition, enabling richer experience for museum exhibition. Practically, this article proposes a set of communication strategies for organizing museum exhibition, while suggesting a set of practical steps for exercising sensegiving. When innovators could navigate user`s cognition, turn shocks into surprises, they could then enable effective innovation. By so doing, museum exhibition would move beyond static or interactive display, and gear toward a new genre of exhibition that may touch audiences culturally.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101359504
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901236
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