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Title: | 台灣男性職業流動的世代差異 Cohort Differences in Male Job-Shift Patterns in Taiwan |
Authors: | 陳慧明 Chen, Hui-Ming |
Contributors: | 張峯彬 Chang, Feng-Bin 陳慧明 Chen, Hui-Ming |
Keywords: | 世代 代內流動 職業轉換 高教擴張 事件史分析 Cohort Intra-generational Mobility Job-Shift Higher Education Expansion Event-History Analysis |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-11-06 15:29:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於傳統研究多半將職業取得視作為靜態的個人成就,而較少關注到個人職涯歷程是由多份工作變動組成。因此有後續研究者建議個人職業轉換過程也應被分析與討論。本文從職業流動的角度,試圖理解台灣不同世代經驗下,男性職業流動所面臨的機會與差異。於此,本研究使用台灣社會變遷調查計畫2017年社會階層組資料,並以Treiman的國際職業聲望量表建構職業流動類型。透過比較1950-1990出生世代職業流動過程,試圖檢驗:一、個人高等教育學歷與任職公司規模是否影響個人職業流動;二、職業流動機會是否存在世代差異;三、高等教育學歷效果是否亦隨世代而有差異。透過分析數據,本文有以下發現:
首先,高等教育學歷符合人力資本理論預期,有助於個人向上流動與水平流動。同時,因為大公司具有明確的職涯階梯,使得個人較易獲得向上流動;而在公部門則出現穩定的職業流動模式,較易發生水平流動,但不易向下與向上流動。接著,在世代觀點下越晚出生世代面臨逐漸增加的職業流動風險,可呼應國內教育制度與勞動力市場連結改變的背景,亦符合跨國比較學者提出全球化不穩定性,說明全球化發展使個人職涯傾向頻繁的職業轉換。最後,若進一步檢驗不同世代的高等教育學歷效果,對於越晚出生的世代來說,高等教育學歷對向上流動的助益逐漸減弱。最終本文發現職業流動機會的確存在世代差異,使得近期世代更易發生工作轉換;同時也因高等教育擴張的制度背景,使得近期世代高等教育者在取得向上流動的優勢減弱,此過程亦形塑世代間職業取得的不平等。 The status achievement has long been a crucial issue in social stratification study. However, there has been little study to identify the dynamic process of job-shift patterns and to elaborate the effects of institutional transformation in higher education across different cohorts. Therefore, we address four hypotheses to verify the effect of tertiary education certificate, opportunity structure segmented by firm size and private /public sector, cohort effect, the interaction effects between cohorts and higher education certificate.
In this study, we used the job history data from Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) in 2017 and applied event-history analysis with multinomial logit model. The results show that men with higher education certificate or in large firms tend to have higher probabilities of upward mobility. Furthermore, successive cohorts are more likely to change jobs. Meanwhile, successive cohorts with higher education certificates have lower probabilities of upward mobility than the preceding cohort did. According to these results, we argue that different job-shift patterns among cohorts are influenced by institutional changes and global uncertainty. Such cohort experiences then lead to inequality among cohorts nowadays. |
Reference: | 參考書目
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 105254002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105254002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901228 |
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