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Title: | 決策樹應用於台灣主流社群平台之求職者廣告偏好探勘 |
Authors: | 黃俊華 Huang, Chun-Hua |
Contributors: | 洪為璽 季延平 Hung, Wei-Hsi Chi, Yan-Ping 黃俊華 Huang, Chun-Hua |
Keywords: | 社群媒體 社群廣告 網路招募 決策樹 資料探勘 Social media Social marketing e-Recruiting decision tree Data mining |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-10-03 17:22:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在這個社群媒體蓬勃發展的時代,臺灣人對於社群平台的黏著度越來越高,其在臺的滲透率高達89%,為全球第六高的國家,社群平台也因此逐步成為主流廣告媒介,同時也是許多企業徵才的管道之一。 本研究即針對一般社群媒體用戶透過網路問卷進行調查,收回696份有效樣本,探討台灣四大主流社群平台Facebook、Instagram、Ptt、YouTube之求職者廣告偏好,主要針對用戶的常用社群平台、人口統計變項、求職資訊來源、偏好廣告形式、就業傾向等面向進行分析。首先透過敘述統計了解資料之特性,接著採用卡方檢定,以瞭解各平台用戶之間在不同變項上是否存在差異,而後再以分類決策樹模型,分別針對不同社群媒體平台之忠誠用戶建構其模型,以釐清各社群媒體平台之用戶特性與廣告性質需求。 研究結果發現, Facebook模型呈現出來的用戶特徵以碩士學歷為主,此外欲從事學術教育與門市客服類別工作的比例較高;Instagram的用戶特徵則以年輕女大學生為主體,就業傾向以業務銷售與傳媒藝術類較為突出,同時其忠誠用戶廣告支廣告偏好也較為特別,明顯較為重視廣告劇情、拍攝品質、代言人與環境氛圍等等,同時也較信任Dcard上的求職資訊來源;Ptt則是以已脫離學生身分者為主,較適合用來招募有經驗之轉職者,就業傾向以從事資訊、工程類工作為主,同時對求職資訊來源的要求有高度排外性,較信任Ptt與其他非營利平台(如求職天眼通)上的資訊,也較重視廣告裡的實質內容,如薪獎制度;而YouTube較無明顯特徵,唯有欲從事資訊軟體系統者比例稍高。 此研究結果在實務上,可供雇主於資源有限的情況下,能依企業特性、形象去經營特定平台,同時依循研究中所提及的廣告偏好去擬定相關策略,提升企業招募成效。 In this era of social media, Taiwanese people are becoming more and more attached to the social platform, and the social media penetration rate in Taiwan is 89%. It is ranked sixth in the world, and social media has gradually become the mainstream advertising media as well as the channel that many enterprises make recruitment through it. This research is conducted through an online questionnaire, discussing the advertisement preference of users of four main social media platforms in Taiwan, including Facebook, Instagram, Ptt, and YouTube, and the variables of user characteristics are divided into demographic statistics, job information sources, preference form of advertising and occupation preferences. First, through descriptive statistics, we analyzed the patterns of data. Then, we used the Chi-square test to understand the difference among the variables between the stated platforms’ users, and constructed models based on the loyal users of each platform to clarify different platforms’ user characteristics and form of advertisement, by using the decision tree. The research results show that the users of the Facebook model mostly have a master`s degree, and tend to engage in academic education and retail customer service; Instagram users are mainly female college students and prefer to be business sales or engage in media arts works, and they also pay more attention to advertising plot, shooting quality, spokesmen, and atmosphere, etc. Also, they trust more in the Dcard’s job information while Ptt users are mainly non-students. It is more suitable for recruiting experienced professionals who prefer engaging in information or engineering positions, and they showed a high exclusiveness toward the source of job information by being skeptical of sources other than Ptt and other non-profit platforms (i.e. Qollie). Also, they put more focus on the substantial of the advertisement, such as the compensation system. However, YouTube has no obvious characteristics, users only showed slight preference for information software system. In practice, this research can assist employers to manage specific platforms according to its company’s characteristics and images under limited resources, and provide relevant strategies based on the advertising preferences as mentioned in order to improve the recruitment effect of enterprises. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 106363023 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106363023 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901165 |
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