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    Title: 有別於西歐的東亞經驗:臺灣移工政策設計的考察(1980-2016)
    A Distinct East Asian Experience From Western Europe’s: A Study of Migrant Labor Policy Design in Taiwan (1980-2016)
    Authors: 劉濬誠
    Liu, Jun-Cheng
    Contributors: 蘇偉業
    So, Wai-Yip
    Liu, Jun-Cheng
    Keywords: 移工政策
    Migrant labor policy
    Policy design
    Target population of identity
    East Asian experience
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-10-03 17:19:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 1950年代的西歐與1980年代後的東亞國家,皆因應勞力短缺問題而採用移工政策,但西歐的移工政策終結後,許多移工滯留在國內,發展出保障移工權利與歸化成國民的移民面向,東亞國家則是長期維持在強調暫時性、補充性的移工政策上,兩個地區呈現了不同的政策軌跡。
    Facing labor shortage, West Europe and East Asia adopted a migrant labor policy (MLP) in the 1950s and the 1980s respectively. However, the MLP was terminated in West Europe in the 1970s, but a considerable number of the migrant labor did not go back to their home countries and further secured citizenship after the 1990s in host countries. By contrast, the East Asian counterparts still sustain the status of the migrant labor as temporary workers, not allowing them to acquire citizenship. It seems to be a distinct policy trajectory from Europe’s.
    This study makes use of Taiwan as a case to answer a question: “Is there a distinct East Asian experience from Western Europe’s?” This study argues that the existing literature focuses more on macro-level than meso-level variables. For example, some scholars test whether the theories developed from the migrant labor policy in Europe since the 1950s can apply to East Asia, including liberal state and global institutionalism. Others use the “developmental state theory” to examine the East Asian experience, emphasizing effectiveness of “ideology of economic supremacy”.
    This study proposes the “migrant labor policy design framework” as an alternative perspective. In addition, it also argues that existing policy design literature overlooks the multi-dimensional identity of migrant labor. This study tries to build up the concept of “target population of identity” to illustrate this point.
    By adopting a historical analysis and a discourse analysis, this study proposes two different identity development stages for the MLP in Taiwan. The first is the “migrant labor as commodity” from 1980 to 1992. The second is the “migrant labor as human” after the 1993 to the present.
    Finally, this study assesses the future policy direction for Taiwan, arguing for policy similarity among Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. It conjectures that it is not much possible for East Asia to repeat the West Europe’s experience in the future.
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