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    Title: 雙重套牢現象之分析與應用 —以音樂消費行為為例
    Study of Double Lock-in Behaviors in Taiwan’s Music Industry
    Authors: 陳祉怡
    Chen, Chih-Yi
    Contributors: 許牧彥
    Hsu, Mu-Yen
    Chen, Chih-Yi
    Keywords: 音樂產業
    Music Industry
    Double lock-in
    Switching Cost
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2019-10-03 17:16:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣音樂產業於一九九零年至一九九七年進入所謂的黃金年代。然好景不常,自一九九八年後,隨著科技不斷的演進,製作成降低;另一方面,一般消費者取得、重製盜版音樂也相當容易便宜,音樂產業銷售量幾乎年年超過20%的負成長。音樂產業陷入於採用新科技與盜版猖獗中拉拔,直到數位音樂正式推向合法付費下載,唱片公司才開始接受、擁抱新科技。在一片擁抱新科技同時,音樂平台資料顯示中壯年消費族群並無顯著比例活躍於新科技,較少運用網際網路下載音樂。本研究透過問卷調查與深度訪談,主要探討中年消費者面對新音樂內容軟體與技術硬體時,是否因難以採納新音樂軟體或無法接受轉換,造成單一套牢或雙重套牢現象及背後原因,此現象對企業公司與產業的行銷、市場意義。
    透過本研究調查發現中年消費者面對音樂新科技與新內容時,其單套牢與雙重套牢現象確實存在。但無法證明軟體套牢以及硬體套牢具有交互作用,造成雙重套牢現象。年齡以及有無小孩者與音樂軟體套牢有顯著關聯性:年齡較小者或無小孩者於音樂軟體接受程度高於年紀高者及有小孩的消費者。以轉換成本而言,研究發現僅學習成本對軟體套牢形成影響,總轉換成本對軟體套牢則無影響;對應體套牢而言, 學習成本、心理成本及轉換成本對本研究對象造成影響。透過深度訪談發現,對中年消費者進行有效的教育可視為軟體套牢解套的主要課題:引介具有豐富軟體知識的人與物例如種子方式教育意見領袖或者其子女,透過互動以推廣新音樂軟體概念。就硬體而言,透過管道給予正確之資訊以及觀念,減低中年消費者之心理不安。並且可由簡化產品設計著手,降低學習新技術所花費之時間與努力,可視為降低轉換成本之主要方式之一。
    Both content software (songs) and device hardware (CD players) are applied at the same time when people listen to music. Thanks to the new technology and innovations, music industry in Taiwan had been booming especially in early 1990s. Unfortunately, the music business has faced a tremendous number of setbacks also by the new technology. Revenues of music industry in Taiwan have been declined more than 20% annually from late 1990s. The industry has started a long battle against piracy. Music companies tried to fight back by suing illegal platforms and illegal users; however, this has been a non-stoppable trend in the music market.
    Apple was then the first company to introduce the new business model, legal music downloads to new device (iPod), to consumers for anti-piracy in 2001.
    Among all the efforts stopping illegal music, there is an interesting fact found that old-time music CD albums have been re-published to the market with the targeting of middle or older aged customer by music companies in Taiwan. Also, it is found that limited middle-aged consumers adopt and embrace the new technologies: only 12.7% of the registered consumers at major P2P platform, Ezpeer, are greater than thirty year old group. Do the middle aged customers, like late majority or laggards in Diffusion of Innovation, have the tendency to unwilling on adopting new music (software), new devices (hardware) or both of them? If yes, what would be the key factors or costs to cause these hesitations, for example: learning costs, psychological costs and switching costs? In what degree?
    The purpose of this study was to explore the lock-in and double lock-in phenomenon in customers of thirty-five to sixty in music industry, identify the influential factors and the its implications on music and other industries. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted to collect and analysis data.
    The results of this study showed a significant double lock-in phenomenon exists at mid aged consumers towards new music contents and technology. However, insignificant proof was found at the correlation between the software lock-in and hardware lock-in that causes double lock-in phenomenon. Only learning cost played a key factor in affecting both software and hardware lock-in. Having kids or people they can consult with around played a great role for mid age consumers to lower their switching costs effectively in both software and hardware lock-in. Based from the study, companies may increase their revenues by identifying and grouping customers with different degrees of switching costs and cultivating the groups separately. Industries or companies with mature technology would employ the strategies to cultivate the late majority or laggards that incur high switching costs on the part of consumers to dissuade them from switching to new technology products and services. New comers or companies with new technology could consider how to increase the switching costs to create lock-in or double lock-in when design their products and services.
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    2000-09-01/經濟日報/43 版/商情資訊
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091359038
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901195
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理研究所] 學位論文

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