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    Title: 閱讀環境優質改造後樂齡族使用公共圖書館滿意度研究:以臺南市為例
    A Study on Use and Satisfaction of the Tainan Public Libraries for Older Adults After Reading Space Quality Transformation
    Authors: 洪玉貞
    Hung, Yu-Chen
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    Hung, Yu-Chen
    Keywords: 樂齡族
    Senior users
    Older adults
    Public library
    Library services toward older adults
    Satisfaction level
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:43:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著高齡社會的來臨,公共圖書館面臨愈來愈多的樂齡族使用人口,樂齡服務也逐漸受到重視。近年來各縣市公共圖書館陸續進行空間改造,依分齡分眾服務原則,設置樂齡區,推動各項樂齡服務。本研究希望透過對圖書館樂齡使用者之研究,瞭解閱讀環境改造後樂齡族使用公共圖書館的情形、滿意度與影響因素,進而探討樂齡族的服務需求,作為公共圖書館規劃樂齡服務的軟、硬體設施之參考。
    With the aging society coming, public libraries are facing ever-increasing volume of elderly people which consequently brings much attention on public library services toward older adults. Recently, public libraries successively lend an impetus to space reconstruction for aged people and various services to be able to respond to the needs of the seniors and other different age groups. This study is tempted to investigate the experience, satisfaction level and influencing factors from older adults in public library after environmental modification to further probe into the requirements of elder group and to serve as a guidance for designing software/hardware services for older adults in public libraries.
    This study applied a questionnaire as research method. The questionnaires were delivered to the senior users of three public libraries in Tainan that the reading spaces were completely modified and a total number of 502 valid sample was collected. The research was being analyzed as three aspects: (1) The needs of public library services toward the older adults. (2) The experiences of older adults in public library. (3) The satisfaction level of older adults in public library.
    The result of the first aspect indicates that (1) The healthcare information is discerned as the most crucial one for older adults, followed by leisure and tourism information. (2) The most desired information type for older adults is traditional books, followed by journals. (3) The most wanted activity for older adults is lecture, followed by workshop. (4) The lecture topic that older adults required the most is healthcare information, followed by tourism information and career planning. (5) Older adults are prone to have class-based lecture as senior study group. (6) On the knowledge acquirement perspective, older adults expect getting assistance from librarians to access library information. Among them, providing reading list is the most wanted library service, followed by having an exclusive webpage for older adults. (7) Comfortable seats are considered as the most needed facility, followed by reading glasses and blood pressure meter. The result of the second aspect shows that (1) Visiting public library once to twice a week is the most common frequency for older adults. (2) The most common visit duration is 1~2 hours. (3) The most prevalent time span is 2:01 p.m. to 6 p.m. (4) Borrowing/returning books ranks as the top purpose of visiting library, reading books inside library as second, reading magazine as third and reading newspaper as fourth. (5) The most used collection is medical category and then travel category. (6) Reading area is the most common used space, journal reading area is the second common used and senior area is the fourth used space. (7) Providing collection for older adults is regarded as the most used library service, health and wellness lecture as second. Furthermore, the result of the third aspect reveals that (1) Public libraries achieved high satisfaction level after the reading spaces were completely modified. (2) There is no significant difference in satisfaction between different genders. (3) Comparing with different age groups, there is a significant difference in satisfaction of books accessing service and extension activities, while no significant difference is found in the rest. (4) There is a significant difference in satisfaction between users from different branches.
    Based on the research results, our study suggest that public libraries should (1) Formulate a “Guidelines on Public Library Services for Older Adults.” (2) Establish a space providing exclusive library services for older adults. (3) Further, the needs of older adults using facilities in other spaces should be taken consideration as well. (4) Invite older adults to engage in planning library services toward older adults. (5) Arrange professional staffs for train so as to be aware of the correct concept of serving the older adults. (6) Set up a senior theme website for use. (7) Investigate service needs and utility condition toward older adults regularly on terms to adjust service strategy planning through the understanding of requirement change. (8) Offering extensional service for seniors who are not able to present in library.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102913006
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900937
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