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    Title: 常民如何思考民主? ――臺灣的社會再現研究
    Social Representations of Democracy: A Taiwan Study
    Authors: 謝政育
    Hsieh, Cheng-Yu
    Contributors: 方孝謙

    Fong, Shiaw-Chian
    Soong, Wen-Li

    Hsieh, Cheng-Yu
    Keywords: 社會再現
    social representations
    cultural psychology
    political psychology
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:43:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的具體問題可分為三個面向,其一是關注「民主」概念的意義建構;其二是關注理想的「民主」與真實的「民主」之間的關係;其三是關注理想的民主體制是否可達成?換句話說,本研究即在探究:常民對於「民主」的思考和想法――關於民主的社會再現(social representations)――反映了這些人有哪些或隱或顯的過去經驗、理解、和實踐,並導向了他們未來的希望、期待或恐懼?
    從內容的層面來看,用最通俗的詞彙來說,社會再現就是社會中常民的「共同知識」或「常識」(common sense),而本文要探究的社會再現乃是從後者的日常知識(everyday knowledge)層面開始,一直到更廣泛的共同知識為止。
    由於社會再現的概念本身相當複雜,所以本研究採用質量並用的混合研究方法。研究一為媒體文本的再現,本文以語料庫分析法為主;研究二為使用研究者根據Osgood的語意區分技術所設計的「民主語意區分量表」,以探究臺灣民主化相關事件的排序,以及人們對於民主概念所開展出來的語意空間(semantic space),主要想瞭解一般人在面對去脈絡化的概念時所產生的再現;而研究三則為深度訪談,主要想瞭解難以在前兩種研究方法中探知的面向。
    Recent decades in Taiwan, some people say ‘Democracy cannot be our food,’ or ‘Taiwan has been too democratic.’ This social milieu provides an important opportunity for understanding the social psychology of politics. Through the framework of Moscovici’s social representations theory, how lay people get senses of the term “democracy” was explored. While ‘democracy’ has a long history in political philosophy, studies of democracy in terms of social representations are relatively a new endeavor. These representations are likely to be constructed, maintained and changed by both implicit and explicit processes.
    In order to explore different aspects of lay meanings (or common senses) of democracy, all subjects and interviewees were divided into three generations, meanwhile, representations of democracy were also divided into three parts in this thesis: media representations, abstract representations and social representations. Different research methods were used to examine, namely, corpus analysis, semantic differential scale and interview.
    It was found that in newspapers, the most important terms associated with ’democracy’ were terms about political institutions, such as election, government and the President. But the results of semantic differential scale and interview indicate that ‘democracy’ is tightly associated with private sphere, ideal future and positive values, which were rarely stated in all newspapers.
    The results suggest that lay people can think rationally just like experts do in everyday life, and in this sense, they have shown a societal knowledge and are able to criticize and challenge the media.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0994515021
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901151
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