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Title: | 天氣因子對捷運搭乘意願影響- 以台北捷運為例 The Research of the Impact of Weather on Boarding Rates of Mass Rapid Transit -A case study of the Taipei Mass Rapid Transit |
Authors: | 李漢鈞 Lee, Han-Chun |
Contributors: | 鄭宇庭 Cheng, Yu-Ting 李漢鈞 Lee, Han-Chun |
Keywords: | 天氣因素 大眾運輸 台北捷運 運量 迴歸分析 Weather Mass Transit MRT Regression Analysis |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 17:35:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著現今科技不斷進步,對於大量數據的收集及分析,已不再是重大難題,如何從大量的數據中,萃取出影響人們使用台灣的大眾運輸工具頻率的因素,進而利用分析的因素,激發大眾更多的動機搭乘大眾運輸。 基於政府近年來致力於提供公開資料平台,而中央氣象局也公開各種天氣的資料,加上台北市捷運局提供各站旅運量資料,所以可以利用中央氣象台的歷年天氣資料以及台北市捷運局的旅運量資料做數據分析,找出天氣因子對搭乘捷運量的影響,並希望藉由分析結果可幫助做決策,進一步的提升大眾運輸工具的使用率。 利用台北捷運旅運量資料做為應變數(Response),搭配氣象資料做為因子自變數(Covariate),將各天氣變數進行分類以及做探索,藉由SPSS做統計分析,像是多元迴歸分析,找出各個自變數是否對台北捷運運量有顯著的影響,找出影響的因子後,再加以分析,並給予實質上的建議。 Based on the continuous advancement of modern technology, the collection and analysis of large amounts of data is no longer a major problem. Therefore, the author wants to filter out the factors that influence the frequency of people using Taiwan`s mass transit vehicles from a large amount of data. Furthermore, the author uses the data from this analysis to help conceive how to make the public have more motivation to take the mass transit. The Taiwanese government has focused on providing a public information platform in recent years, and the Central Weather Bureau has also published information on various weather conditions. In addition, the Department of Rapid Transit Systems, Taipei City Government has continued to provide information on the travel volume of each station. Therefore, this study can use the weather information of the Central Weather Bureau and the travel volume of the Department of Rapid Transit Systems to do cross-data analysis to find out the impact of weather factors on the amount of MRT. The Taiwanese government has focused on providing a public information platform in recent years, and the Central Weather Bureau has also published information on various weather conditions. In addition, the Department of Rapid Transit Systems, Taipei City Government has continued to provide information on the travel volume of each station. Therefore, this study can use the weather information of the Central Weather Bureau and the travel volume of the Department of Rapid Transit Systems to do cross-data analysis to find out the impact of weather factors on the amount of MRT. It is hoped that by analyzing the results, it can help make decisions and further improve the use of mass transit vehicles. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 106363085 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106363085 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901047 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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