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    Title: 以旅遊政策建立城市品牌: 曼谷和新加坡
    City Branding through Tourism Policy : Bangkok and Singapore
    Authors: 許美燕
    Kosawiwat, Watsamon
    Contributors: 黃奎博
    Huang, Kwei-Bo
    Watsamon Kosawiwat
    Keywords: 城市品牌
    Tourism Policy
    City Branding
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:32:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在東南亞國家協會 (ASEAN) 經濟共同體整合後,東南亞地區成為受人注目與富含潛力之 地區。泰國與新加坡的好名聲,使他們成為此地區的國家中,觀光發展之領先者。曼谷是 泰國首都亦是最重要的觀光景點。在政府開始宣傳觀光後,曼谷與新加坡都經歷了觀光人 數的快速成長。經過了數十年,曼谷與新加坡觀光成長持續受到內部與外部因素影響仍然 保有世界頂尖觀光地點的頭銜,並持續以高品質觀光地點成長中。本論文探討2008至2018 年間, 曼谷與新加坡的觀光政策與城市品牌的建立;政府的政策如何塑造城市品牌以及這 些政策與品牌的建立如何幫助與妨礙兩個城市的名聲。本論文從文件分析與訪談的結果進 行三階層分析。​結果顯示,曼谷與新加坡並非只採用政策決策 (Policymaking) ​或市場計劃 (Marketing Planning) ​其中之一,而是一起採用。並且,雖然觀光吸引力是邀請觀光客來城 市觀光的要素,但如果沒有好的品牌活動 ​(Branding Campaign) ​就無法進行推廣​,​沒有與 適當的政策,也無法保持下去。因此,曼谷與新加坡的成功可歸因於政府優秀的政策決策​、​目標市場組織的市場規劃與每位關係人的活動實踐。
    After the integration of ASEAN Economic Community, the Southeast Asia becomes a remarkable and potential region. Thailand and Singapore are leaders of tourism development due to their reputation among other countries in this region. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand and also the most important tourism destination. Both Bangkok and Singapore experienced rapid growth of tourism arrivals after their government started to promote them as tourist destinations. Through many decades, Bangkok and Singapore tourism growth get affected by internal and external factors but they still maintain the position of top destinations in the world and keep growing as quality destinations. This thesis studies about tourism policy and city branding of Bangkok and Singapore from 2008 to 2018; how do ​the government’s policies form the city branding and how do those policies and branding work to uphold or hinder both cities’ reputation? It adopts the three levels of analysis to analyze the result from two methodologies: document analysis and interview. The result from studying official documents, news, law and interviewing with five Taiwanese tourists who had experienced traveling to both cities shows that Bangkok and Singapore do not use only one method of policymaking or marketing planning but they applied both methods together. Also, the tourist attraction is an essential factor to invite tourists to the city but it cannot promote itself without a good branding campaign neither can preserve itself without an appropriate policy. Therefore, it can conclude that the success stories behind Bangkok and Singapore are strong planning from the policymaking of the government to the marketing planning of the destination marketing organizations and the practice of stakeholders.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1068620141
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900683
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