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    Title: 台灣生技產業專利授權模式分析
    The Analysis of Patent Licensing Model for Taiwan Biotechnology Industry
    Authors: 蔡如茵
    Tsai, Ju-Yin
    Contributors: 馮震宇
    Fong, Gen-Yu Jerry
    Tsai, Ju-Yin
    Keywords: 生技產業
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:31:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 知識經濟時代來臨,生技產業的高知識密度與較低的傳統生產要素投入程度、成為各國產業發展的新興寵兒,尤其為因應全球的醫藥衛生需求成長,生技產業中的新藥開發更是許多企業相繼投入的市場。然而生技產業中所應用之生物技術,具有研發期長、研發成本高、複製成本低等特性,因此此產業多採用專利保護開發中的新藥,以求未來藥品成功開發上市後取得獨佔市場。台灣近年有許多生技企業紛紛投入新藥開發,但台灣生技企業普遍具有資本額小、價值鏈短的特徵,應運發展出「由外部取得創新成果開發後再對外移轉開發成果」的特殊開發模式。其中創新成果移轉有多種方式,台灣廠商基於上述特徵,因此在涉足新藥開發時常採用專利授權而非併購等方式取得創新成果以避險。
    In the era of knowledge-based economy, the biotechnology industry has been the emerging star for developing industry in many countries due to its high density of knowledge and the low level of traditional production factors to input. To meet the growth of global medical and healthcare needs, there are many enterprises have devoted into the novel drug development, particularly. However, because the biotechnology applied in bio-industry have the characteristics of long R&D period, high R&D cost and lower replication cost, the patent protection for developing novel drug is necessary for building an exclusive market. Taiwan also joined the countries that encourage the biotechnology industry in recent years. Due to the common characteristics of the bio-companies in Taiwan are less capital and short value chain, the bio-industry in Taiwan developed the unique model, “developed by external innovation, transfer out the developed innovation”. There are many procedure to transfer innovation, but Taiwan companies preferred licensing rather than M&A because of above-mentioned common characteristics of the bio-companies in Taiwan.
    The industry analysis reveals Taiwan companies preferred to license-in patent of the novel drug in the pre-clinical or early clinical trial and to license-out the right of marketing in the late clinical trial or pre-market. The criteria of selection four representative enterprises as the research object of the case study in view of the result of the industry analysis.
    The case study found that the licensing agreement as the execution criteria plays the important role in licensing transaction. The integration of business model and licensing behavior occurs through the executing the transaction so that the quality of licensing agreement will affect the effectiveness of importing new technology. And, the agreement is negotiated by the project team members. Hence, the project team also plays the important role in the patent licensing
    The object of the research is to propose a licensing model in Taiwan bio-industry from the result from the case study. After deconstructing and consolidating the cases, the researcher attempt to propose a model “licensing-in – develop – licensing-out” model for relaying to develop novel drugs in Taiwan bio-industry. The licensing model consolidates the commonalities from the cases includes: the period of development that license-in and –out, founding subsidiary companies to pass-through the risk, and the culture of corporate governance. Base on the aforesaid the commonalities, the researcher attempts to provide the suggestion for growing quantity of patent licensing in Taiwan biotechnology industry.
    Back to the essence of the licensing is the “convenant not to sue” rather than “obtaining the innovation”. Moreover, the licensing will build close partnership by its law nature so the field that the patent licensing show sits strength is cooperative learning. The conclusion of the dissertation is the companies in Taiwan bio-industry should gain experience of product development by licensing and co-development. Therefore, the licensing is not only the way to acquire technology, but also the way to accumulate core competency in the industry.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1063642081
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900995
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