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    Title: 以動態能耐觀點分析新創企業發展 ─以N公司為例
    A Case Study on the Start-up Development and Formulation of Dynamic Capabilities
    Authors: 宋嫚鈴
    Sung, Man-Ling
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Sung, Man-Ling
    Keywords: 新創企業
    New Venture
    Dynamic capabilities
    Stage of Growth
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:31:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   新經濟體系的發展下,各國掀起了創業熱潮,然而面對外在環境複雜、變化迅速的情況下,新創企業如何在其發展歷程中透過資源和能力獲得組織成長為現今需要關注的議題,而許多學者認為動態環境下,組織擁有動態能耐來更新既有組織例規和組織能力,才能建立競爭優勢(D. J. Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Ambrosini & Bowman, 2009)。
      本研究採用個案研究法,訪問台灣目前成功進展到成長期的新創企業,並以Kazanjian (1988)提出的高科技新創成長模型和Ambrosini and Bowman (2009)的動態能耐架構作為分析架構,佐以Teece et al. (1997) and Teece (2007)等學者的動態能耐理論為分析內涵。目的為探究新創企業在不同組織階段下,其動態能耐如何形成與演變,使企業能夠產生競爭優勢。



    Along the development of new economy, Start-ups become popular around the world. However, in such a complex and rapidly changing environment nowadays, how start-up in its development process through the resources and capabilities to grow up and become established firms is a big issue. Many scholars believe dynamic capabilities to renew both organizational routine and organizational abilities to build organizational competitive advantage (D. J. Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Ambrosini & Bowman, 2009).
    In this study, we adopted case study as research method and interviewed a Taiwanese start-up which had already been successfully developed to their growth stage. Besides we through the Stages of Growth in Technology Based New Ventures model proposed by Kazanjian (1988) and the Dynamic capabilities framework proposed by Ambrosini and Bowman (2009) as the analysis framework, with the dynamic capability theory of Teece et al. (1997) and Teece (2007) as the analysis connotation. The purpose of research is to explore the formation and evolution of dynamic capabilities of start-up, and how dynamic capabilities renew organizational routine and organizational abilities to build competitive advantage in their different organizational stages.
    It found that start-up in the Conception and Development stage due to the lack of resources, so that enterprise need the dynamic capabilities to strengthen both the original resources and create new resources and abilities, which become core competence. And the core competence will be affected by the external factors affect the enterprise have the competitive advantage or not. Even if start-up in a certain stage has no competitive advantage, it will reflect on its execution and strategy and then continuous align and realign its tangible and intangible assets. Start-up through Sensing dynamic capability to identify the next new opportunities, through Seizing dynamic capability to establish new business model of capacity, and finally when core competence accumulated enough, enterprise will occupy a certain position in the market, its competitive advantage will be better than its competitors.

    There are two conclusions in this study below:

    A.In each stage of organizational growth, the formation of dynamic capabilities of start-up are totally different. With the increase of resources and abilities acquired and created, the internal factors especially the manager’s perception and leadership, technological asset, complementary asset and financial asset will strengthen the formation of dynamic capabilities.

    B.The dynamic capabilities of start-up vary in intensity at each stage. In the beginning enterprise need to apply Sensing dynamic capability in acquiring the technology development, and then enterprise need to through Sensing and Seizing dynamic capability to continuous adjust its business model, last Transforming dynamic capability will help product sale or market share grow up. And the dynamic capabilities of each stage will be affected by the previous stage to enhance the mastery of this capability.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1063641341
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900774
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