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    Title: 團隊隨創與團隊績效-交融記憶系統、靈活度與社會支持之影響
    Team Bricolages and Team Performance The Impacts of Transactive Memory Systems, Agility, and Social Support
    Authors: 李亭諭
    Li, Ting-Yu
    Contributors: 樊學良
    Li, Ting-Yu
    Keywords: 交融記憶系統
    Team performance
    Social support
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:30:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討團隊隨創與團隊績效的關係,以及團隊交融記憶系統、 靈活度與社會支持在此間的角色。本研究以台北密室逃脫笨蛋工作室為研究場域,回收來自 100個團隊(合計 628人)的問卷。分析結果顯示 (1)交融記憶系統與 靈活度 皆對團隊績效產出有正向影響 (2)團隊隨創分別 中介了交融記憶系統、靈活度與對團隊績效間之關係;(3)社會支持在隨創與團隊績效間 之 調節效果 並不顯著 。最後,本研究 將 根據研究發現討論其理論意涵與實務建議。
    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between team bricolage and team performance, comfirm the role of team transaction memory systems, agility and social support. In this study, the Stupid particle was used as a research field to collect questionnaires from 100 teams (628 people in total). The analysis results show that (1) the transactive memory systems and agility have positive effects on team performance (2) Team bricolage mediates the relationship between the transactive memory systems, agility and team performance (3) The moderating effect of social support between the team bricolage and team performance is not significant. Finally, this study will discuss its theoretical implications and practical recommendations based on research findings.
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