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    Title: 美國智庫對小布希政府台海政策之影響-戰略模糊或戰略清晰
    US Think Tank influenced of Gorge Walker Bush Administration`s Cross-Strait policy: Strategic Ambiguity or Strategic Clarity
    Authors: 張正翰
    Chang, Cheng-Han
    Contributors: 黃奎博
    Huang, Kui-Bo
    Chang, Cheng-Han
    Keywords: 華府智庫
    Think Tanks in Washington DC
    Strategic Ambiguity
    Strategic Clarity
    President George Walker Bush’s Cross-Strait policies
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:22:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文探討華府智庫在小布希總統執政8年期間 (2001-2008)的台海政策建議,實際與小布希政府台海政策論述之異同,以「美中軍機擦撞事件前後」、「一邊一國論」、「台灣公投入法」、「中共制定反分裂國家法」與「台灣入聯公投」等五項事件發生時期為主要研究時間,並以戰略模糊或戰略清晰政策進行區分,另外討論華府智庫的意識形態對政府外交決策理論上的影響。最後獲得華府智庫代表的意識形態,並非與提出的台海政策建議絕對相關,以及某華府智庫與小布希政府台海政策論述在不同時期仍有相近傾向,所以具有相互影響的結果。
    This paper discussed the similarities and differences of the Cross-Strait policies between the Think Tanks in Washington DC and President George Walker Bush’s administration during the eight years (2001-2008). There had five major events occur as the main research periods, including the "US-China military aircraft collision incident", " One Country on Each Side", " the Referendum Act of Taiwan", "PRC formulated Anti-Secession Law" and " Taiwanese United Nations membership referendums" then the five major events were differentiated by Strategic Ambiguity or Strategic Clarity policy. In addition, this paper also discussed the ideology of the Think Tanks in Washington DC influenced the theory of foreign policy decision-making. In conclusion, the ideology of the Think Tanks in Washington DC was not absolutely related to the Cross-Strait policy recommendations, and some of the Think Tanks in Washington DC still had similar trends toward President George Walker Bush’s government Cross-Strait policies in different periods, and there had mutually influential results.
    Reference: 中文部分

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