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    Title: 中華民國引渡實踐之研究
    On the ROC’s practices of extradition
    Authors: 胡書銘
    Hu, Shu-Ming
    Contributors: 陳純一
    Hu, Shu-Ming
    Keywords: 引渡
    principle of double criminality
    mutual legal assistance
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:19:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文研究目的主要側重在我國引渡法制面及個案的分析比較,探討引渡制度在我國國內立法與條約規範與簽訂情形,以及我國實務上正規引渡的實踐情形為何,為何我國迄今仍無引渡成功案例,並兼論我國引渡替代措施實踐情形。最後導引出我國未來引渡實踐較可行的方向及作為,冀以提高我方對外請求移交人犯歸案的成功率,俾能有效打擊犯罪及維護公平正義。
    The research focuses on the analysis and comparison of extradition laws and cases of ROC, and wants to explore the regulation and practice of extradition in ROC `s domestic legislation and bilateral treaties .Besides, the thesis also discusses practice of alternative measures for extradition of the ROC, in order to deduce the direction and feasibility of ROC `s future extradition practice. In that way, we can effectively deter crime and maintain fairness and justice.
    Based on the discussion of the extradition system and the cases of extradition and repatriation of ROC, this thesis concludes that, for the purpose of improving the rates of feasibility of extraditing or repatriating fugitives, five points should be considered. First, treaty-prepositionism is not a necessary way for states to start cooperation of extradition. Secondly, the basic principles of extradition should be examined and evaluated before the extradition procedure is carried out. thirdly, The immigration law can be used as an alternative of extradition to surrender fugitives. Fourthly, by jointly curtailing crimes, we can enhance the success rate of surrendering fugitives. Fifth, under the principle of mutual respect and reciprocity, Mainland China and Taiwan better eventually create a win-win situation for mutual legal assistance.
    Reference: 一、中文部分
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102253014
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900989
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