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    Title: 幼兒園教師教室空間意象之探究 —以宜蘭縣私立慈心華德福幼兒園為例
    The Study of Kindergarten Teacher`s Indoor Spatial Image – Ilan Ci-Xin Waldorf Kindergarten as an Instance
    Authors: 林尚頤
    Lin, Shang-Yi
    Contributors: 倪鳴香
    Ni, Ming-Xiang
    Lin, Shang-Yi
    Keywords: 空間意象
    Spatial Image
    Spatial Intention
    Early Childhood Learning Environment
    Narrative interview
    Waldorf education
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:17:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「環境」是影響幼兒互動行為的要素,也是幼兒教育中的靜默課程,對於幼兒的發展與學習行為有重要影響,本研究的核心研究問題為幼兒園教師之教室空間意象及其如何形成?期待經此能進一步提出幼兒園教室空間規劃決策之建議。
    本研究立基於環境心理學、學習環境研究、空間意象研究以及華德福教育中的空間論述,提出探究教師教室空間意象( Spatial Image )與空間意圖( Spatial Intention ) 之研究假設,以宜蘭縣私立慈心華德福幼兒園作為研究田野,試圖透過幼兒園教室活動空間觀察、結構性訪談以及德國社會學者Fritz Schütze所創建的敘述訪談( Narratives Interview )等研究方法,歸納與解析發現幼兒園教師教室空間意象是透過感知( Perception )與建構( Production )兩股推力形成,這兩股力量在個人偏好與環境情境間來回交織,將教師的生命經驗、個人偏好與教育意圖與教室空間的現況、樣貌與活動行為交融其中,形成教師獨特的教室空間意象,而後,在提出華德福幼兒園教室空間規劃決策之建議中,藉由社會學者Henri Lefebvre ( 1901-1991 )與David W. Harvey之論述,再思華德福幼兒園教室空間意象之教育意涵。
    d W. Harvey之論述,再思華德福幼兒園教室空間意象之教育意涵。
    The environment is an influential factor for children’s behavior and interaction. It is the silent curriculum in early childhood education and with an essential impact on child development. The core issue of my research is the kindergarten teacher`s indoor spatial image and how is it be formed? Then propose the recommendation of classroom spatial planning decision-process.
    This research-based on environmental psychology, learning environment, spatial image, and the spatial treatise in Waldorf education. Pose the research hypothesis that the teachers have the spatial intention and spatial image for their classroom. Through the I-Lan Ci-Xin Waldorf kindergarten as the research field, I try to inquire the research questions from the three paths as follow: the observation of the activities in the classroom, the structured interview and narrative interview founded by Fritz Schütze. After the collection, induction, and analyzation, I consider the kindergarten teacher`s indoor spatial image formed by the two forces - perception and production. These two forces are related and interweaved between personal preference and environmental context. Therefore, the kindergarten teacher`s indoor spatial image was blended the situation, layout, activities of the classroom, teacher’s life experience, personal preference, and educational intention. Then propose the recommendation of classroom spatial planning decision-process. In the end, reconsider the educational implications of the kindergarten teacher`s indoor spatial image by the treatise of Henri Lefebvre (1901-1991) and David W. Harvey.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101157005
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901125
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