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    Title: 從環境正義觀點探討千塘之鄉埤塘光電綠能計畫
    A study of the PV Pond Project in Taoyuan from the perspective of Environmental Justice
    Authors: 許雪玲
    Hsu, Hsueh-Ling
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Hsu, Hsueh-Ling
    Keywords: 環境正義
    Environmental Justice
    Energy transformation
    Risk assessment
    PV Pond Plan
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:14:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 能源轉型是全球趨勢,也是臺灣急需迎頭趕上、接軌國際的重要施政軸心之一。在要求綠能限時達標的過程中,種電計畫衍生諸多亂象與爭議。面對土地資源的有限性,綠能發展與環境永續的價值也產生了矛盾與衝突。本研究係以環境正義之「分配正義」、「程序正義」及「差異肯認」三重架構,來探討「千塘之鄉埤塘光電綠能計畫」,透過多方利害關係人的立場與觀點,梳理出本計畫所引發的環境與社會衝突面向。研究發現由於政府急於展現綠能成效,在決策過程中,缺乏建立共識的適當程序,民怨由此而起。另不同利害關係人之間確實存在損益分配不正義現象。此外,在桃園獨有的地景上種電對在地文化的傷害被忽視,代表政府對地方有不適切的肯認。對於綠能政策的制定與執行,惟有踐行環境正義三大要素,透過社會溝通與參與機制建立共識,才能彌平衝突,提升地方參與綠能應用發展的意願,加速綠色家園願景的實現。
    Energy transformation is an international trend that Taiwan government needs to catch up with as well as one of the important axes of its governance. In order to achieve the goal of green energy policy, Taiwan government has pushed forward its power generation plan in the past few years. However, confusions, disputes and conflict of interests have emerged in the process as the result of various conditions such as the scarcity of land resources and unexpected conflict between green energy development and environmental sustainability as the case of this study shows. Drawing upon the three-way framework of environmental justice, this thesis aims to discuss the case of ‘PV Pond Project in Taoyuan’ from the dimentions of ‘distributional justice’, ‘procedural justice’, and ‘recognition of difference.’ Specifically, relying primarily upon secdary literature, this study focus on potential conflicts between society and environment through analyzing the views and intersts of stakeholders in the project. It is found that mainly due to the lack of proper process of consensus building among all stakeholders, which in turn was the result of the government’s eagerness to show that the PV green energy plan has been implemented, all three elements of environmental justice mentioned above had been overlooked and jeopardized. As a result, the fuller implementation of the PV Pond Project in Taoyuan has been negatively affected. Moreover, same challenges are also seen in the implementation of other PV green energy plans in Taiwan. In terms of distributional justice, the costs and benefits of the PV Pond plan has not been distrubited equitably among different stakeholders. From the perspective of recognition of local culture and knowledge, the damage of PV Pond plan to the landscape of Taoyuan which is characterized by the existence of Pi ponds has been ignored. It is thus argued that bearing the three elements of environmental justice in mind whilst making and implementing green energy policies is crucial for consensus building and success of the plan.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105921024
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900748
    Appears in Collections:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文

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