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    Title: 台灣電力市場改革過程中公平交易機制之研究:需量反應的角色
    Study on Fair-Trade Mechanism of Electricity Market Reform Process in Taiwan : The Role of Demand Response
    Authors: 楊宗霖
    Yang, Tsung-Lin
    Contributors: 許志義
    Hsu, Jyh-Yih
    Yang, Tsung-Lin
    Keywords: 需量反應
    Demand Response
    Energy Storage System
    Electricity Market Reform
    Competition Law
    Illegal Behavior Patterns
    Potential Competition
    Demand Bidding
    Ancillary Service
    Outage Cost
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:08:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討「需量反應」對於台灣能源轉型與電力市場改革所扮演的角色,並分析需量反應在我國電力市場改革過程中,市場行為主體可能遭遇的違反競爭法行為態樣。首先、說明需量反應之定義與發展趨勢,整理美國需量反應與儲能系統之政策法規與相關案例,提出可供台灣參考之競爭政策意涵。根據本文探討美國聯邦能源管制委員會近十年各項行政命令之結論顯示:引進以能源物聯網(energy internet)為導向的新型態與新式樣的營運模式,逐步開放潛在競爭者(如需量反應、儲能系統、虛擬電廠、微電網等之營運者)進入電力市場,成為美國聯邦能源管制機關落實公平競爭環境的一貫立場。
    接著,根據結構-行為-績效(Structure-Conduct-Performance, SCP)理論,闡述市場行為主體藉由需量反應參進市場的過程中,可能存在違反公平交易法之情事。依照我國電力市場改革的進程區分為三種市場結構,分別說明較可能發生之違反公平交易法行為態樣:(1)「單一買方模式」包括:獨占綜合電業之限制競爭行為、聚合商之不實廣告與損害營業信譽行為;(2)「批發競爭模式」包括:電網業之電力調度、配售電公司與聚合商及大用戶之水平聯合行為;(3)「零售競爭模式」包括:零售市場業者之結合、水平聯合、其他限制競爭行為(杯葛、差別待遇、低價利誘、迫使參與限制競爭、搭售)、不公平競爭行為(不實廣告、損害營業信譽)。同時,探討現行台電需量競價措施、聚合商需量反應方案是否有違反公平競爭之虞。
    The purpose of the study is to explore the role of "demand response" in energy transition and electricity market reform, and to analyze the illegal behavior patterns faced by demand response market participant, contravening the competition law in regard to the electricity market reform in Taiwan. First, this study explained the definition and development trend of demand response, sorted out the regulations and related cases of the US demand response and energy storage system, and proposed the competition policy implications for Taiwan. According to this article, the conclusions of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Orders for the past decade show that the introduction of emerging business model with energy internet, and the gradual opening of potential competitors (such as demand response, energy storage systems, virtual power plants, micro-grids, etc.) have become the consistent position of the energy authorities to implement a positive competitive environment.
    Then, based on Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) theory, the study explained that in the process of participation in the market through demand response, there might have some illegal behavior patterns contravening the Fair-Trade Act. According to the process of electricity market reform, it is divided into three market structures, which respectively explain the illegal behaviors. In single buyer model: there are some potential illegal pattern, such as restrictive competition by the vertical-integrated utility, unfair competition by aggregators. In wholesale competition model, there are some potential illegal pattern, such as power dispatch, concerted action by retailers, aggregators and large users. In retail competition model, there are some potential illegal pattern, such as merger, concerted action, other restrictive competition behaviors, and unfair competition by retailers. Simultaneously, it is necessary to discuss whether the current Taipower demand bidding and the aggregator demand response program violate the fair competition.
    Finally, specific suggestions were made for different perspectives of the government, Taipower, industry, academia and users to construct a fair-trade mechanism for demand response to participate in Taiwan electricity market.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106258002
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900631
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