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    Title: 年輕勞動力市場的職業同質性與動員社會資本機制:以2010 TEPS-B為例
    Occupational Homophily and the Mechanism of Mobilized Social Capital in Labour Market of Young Adults: Evidence from 2010 TEPS-B in Taiwan
    Authors: 林昌逸
    Lin, Chang-Yi
    Contributors: 熊瑞梅
    Hsung, Ray-May
    Lin, Chang-Yi
    Keywords: 社會資本
    social capital
    labor market of young adults
    occupational homophily
    kinship tie
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:07:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去有關年輕勞動力市場的動員社會資本與求職的研究並不是那麼豐富。本論文企圖與過去文獻對話,提出三個研究問題,並分別於三章進行分析探討。第一個問題是在年輕勞動力市場中,非主動求職者(亦即在沒有從事求職情況下獲得工作的人)相對會有較好的地位取得嗎?第二個問題回到林南社會資源理論最一開始的源頭,發現了一條在後來不受重視但卻十分重要的聯繫被遺漏了,即工作介紹人與雇主或公司的關係。本文更進一步地企圖將此遺漏聯繫帶入Lin-Mouw職業同質性動員社會資本的機制中的爭論架構,且釐清相關機制。本文對職業同質性更提出新的可能機制:雙重職業同質性與新生職業同質性。第三個問題針對僅有一次就業的年輕人,企圖探索找工作時若是動員網絡資源,父母聯繫資源對於地位取得的影響?本文使用2010年的「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫後續追蹤調查:教育與勞力市場的連結」資料,並串聯「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」來一併探討上述提及的研究問題。本論文主要發現:(1)非主動求職在年輕勞動力市場可以得到比非正式求職者更高的社經地位。(2)在符合新生職業同質性的情況下,高地位的介紹人若是跟雇主有直接關係可以有效的提升被推薦者個人地位。然而,在符合雙重職業同質性的情況下,高地位的介紹人若是跟雇主有直接關係無法提升被推薦者個人地位。(4)對25、26歲僅有一次工作經驗者,透過高品質的父母等親屬聯繫可以比其他種聯繫找到更好的介紹人,並可再進一步透過與高地位介紹人的職業同質性提升自己的地位取得。
    Research on mobilized social capital and job searching in the labor market of young adults was not abundant. This study attempts to discuss with the previous literature and proposes three research questions, which are analyzed and discussed in three chapters respectively. First of all, in the labor market of young adults, whether nonsearchers, which means people getting their jobs without the process of job searching, will attain a better status than those searching jobs through other methods? Secondly, backing to the origin of Nan Lin’s social resources theory, we find a tie between the referrer and the hiring company ignored by many studies but important. Furthermore, this study tries to bring this missing link into the debate of Lin’s and Mouw’s argument on the effect of occupational homophily in mobilized social capital framework to clarify the relevant mechanism. Besides, this study provides two new possible mechanisms of occupational homophily: double occupational homophily and newborn occupational homophily. Thirdly, for young adults with only one job experience searching jobs, how do the family resources influence young people’s status attainment? This study uses the “Taiwan Education Panel Survey and Beyond” and “Taiwan Education Panel Survey” to analyze and discuss the questions mentioned above. This study discovers: (1) Getting the job through nonsearch can bring a higher socioeconomic status than the informal job search in the young labor market. (2) In the condition of newborn occupational homophily between job seeker and job contact, job contact with the high-status and direct relation with company employer can help the referral get a better socioeconomic status. However, the condition of newborn occupational homophily, job contact with the high-status and direct relation with company employer cannot facilitate a better job. (3) For those young adults with only one job experience, they can find a higher status contact through a kinship tie than others tie, and then utilize the occupational homophily with the referrer to increase their own socioeconomic status.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106254012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900994
    Appears in Collections:[社會學系] 學位論文

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