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Title: | 臺北市政府推動i-Voting機制之評估研究 Evaluating i-Voting mechanism in Taipei City Government |
Authors: | 林俊宇 Lin, Chun-Yu |
Contributors: | 黃東益 Huang, Tong-Yi 林俊宇 Lin, Chun-Yu |
Keywords: | i-Voting e-Voting 電子化民主 臺北市議員 i-Voting e-Voting e-democracy Taipei City Councilors |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 17:02:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2015年臺北市政府為順應電子化民主的浪潮推出i-Voting機制,欲藉由網路投票技術的發展打破舊有的政治黑箱決策,來達到公民參與政策制定的目標。因此,為了解i-Voting機制的發展,本研究以議員的觀點進行臺北市政府推動i-Voting機制的評估;並藉由法規變革、議員的態度以及立法行為等三個層面的研究問題探討來檢視i-Voting機制的成效以及限制。 首先,本研究採用比較研究法進行新舊法規比較,透過法規變革的分析可以了解i-Voting法規變革所產生的影響為何;其次,利用深度訪談進行臺北市議員與臺北市政府人員的訪問來取得受訪者對於i-Voting機制的態度及回應;最後,運用次級資料分析法分析議員的立法紀錄,作為驗證議員是否以立法行為關注i-Voting機制。 研究的過程中發現,法規程序與議題類型的變革皆有助於促進議員與i-Voting機制的合作;而訪談結果與議員立法紀錄顯示,雖然議員對於i-Voting機制抱持正面支持的態度,但市民的參與度過低及不適宜的議題為機制的主要缺點。 最後本研究認為未來市府應進行i-Voting定位及流程的修正,並加強機制的宣傳;使i-Voting機制能提升參與度,進而實現直接民主的目標。 In 2015, Taipei City Government introduced i-Voting mechanism to adapt to the trend of electronic democracy. It aimed to achieve the goal to engage citizens in policy decision making to break the political black box by online voting. To understand the development of i-Voting, this study has evaluated i-Voting mechanism through the perspectives of Taipei City Councilors. It discussed three research issues, including legislative changes, the attitude of councilors and their legislative behaviors to review the effectiveness and limitations of i-Voting in Taipei City. In the first section, this study used comparative analysis to understand the impacts of the legislative changes on i-Voting. Second, to understand their attitudes and the responses to i-Voting mechanism, this study interviewed the 12th and 13th Taipei City Councilors and the officials of Taipei City Government. Third, through the legislative records, this research attempted to assess whether the councilors would concern about i-Voting by legislative actions. By the three research methods, this study found that changes in the procedures and types of issues both contributed to facilitating the cooperation between councilors and i-Voting mechanism. The results of the interviews and analysis of legislative records of councilors showed that although councilors held a positive and supportive attitude toward i-Voting, the low participation rate and unsuitable issues were the major disadvantages of the mechanism. This study concludes that i-Voting mechanism should be repositioned, its process needs to be revised, and the information about this system needs to be wide spread. It may help increase the participation rate and achieve the goal of direct democracy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治學系 102252019 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102252019 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900960 |
Appears in Collections: | [政治學系] 學位論文
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