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Title: | 本土化步行分數(T-Walkscore)衡量方式及評估之研究 A study on the measure method and evaluation concerning the localization of T-Walkscore |
Authors: | 陳啟安 Chen, Ci-An |
Contributors: | 白仁德 陳啟安 Chen, Ci-An |
Keywords: | 適步行性 步行分數 模糊德爾菲法 分析網絡程序法 Walkability Walkscore Fuzzy Delphi method Analytic Network process |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 16:58:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 環境適宜步行程度稱為適步行性。過往研究適步行性者,多採實地勘察方式進行。房地產銷售網站Walkscore®利用地理資訊系統技術,提供快速且方便方式,以地址查詢方式提供各項環境指數,其中包含步行分數。該網站服務範圍未包含台灣,評分指標偏重商業應用,與步行相關指標使用較少。基於上述緣由,本研究以建立適宜用於本土化評估步行分數為目標。 本研究首先透過文獻回顧整理、歸納影響適步行性各項因子。其後應用模糊德爾菲法專家問卷,進行指標篩選,確認適合用於本研究使用之評分面向為土地混合使用、交通設施可及行與步行基礎條件三大評估面向及其相對應11項評分指標,並應用分析網絡程序法計算權重。最後以台北市大安區之七個次分區,進行步行分數試算。本研究發現整體,大安區步行分數呈現北高南低情形,大安區南部區域與其他地區呈現明顯差異。 透過評估模式檢視,本研究所採用計分方式,可用於評估地區商業繁榮程度、大眾運輸系統服務強度等。唯須注意,使用運算資料種類是否符合評估目的之需求。 The degree to which the environment is suitable for walking is called walkability. In the past, the evaluation of the appropriate walkability was eval-uated by the score, and survey method was conducted mostly. The real estate sales website Walkscore® uses GIS technology to provide a fast and convenient way to provide environmental indicators with address queries, including walk score.The website does not include Taiwan, the rating indicators are biased to-wards commercial applications, and the walking-related indicators are used less. Based on the above reasons, this study aims to establish a suitable walk score for localization. This study firstly sorts and summarizes the factors affecting the walkabil-ity through literature review. Subsequently, the fuzzy Delphi method expert questionnaire was applied to screen the indicators, and the scores suitable for the study were confirmed to be the three evaluation targets for the mixed use of land, the accessibility of transportation facilities and the basic conditions of walking. And apply the analysis network program method to calculate the weight. Finally, the walk score were calculated in the seventh sub-district of Daan District, Taipei City. The study found that the walk scors of Da`an District were high in the north and low in the south. The southern part of Da`an District was significantly different from other areas. Through the evaluation mode review, the Institute uses scoring methods to assess regional business prosperity and public transportation system service in-tensity. It is only necessary to note whether the type of computing material is suitable for the purpose of the assessment. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 104923018 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104923018 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901027 |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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