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Title: | 視野對不動產價格影響之研究—以臺中市新市政中心專用區為例 The Value of View: The Case Study of New Taichung City Civic Center |
Authors: | 胡雅智 Hu, Ya-Chih |
Contributors: | 陳奉瑤 詹進發 Chen, Fong-Yao Jan, Jihn-Fa 胡雅智 Hu, Ya-Chih |
Keywords: | 視野 視域分析 垂直位置 水平方位 視覺範圍 特徵價格法 分量迴歸 View Viewshed Analysis Vertical position Aspect Visual field Hedonic price theory Quantile regression |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 16:57:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 視野是主觀、抽象的認知感受,視野價值受觀賞者的敏感度影響,在不動產交易市場中反映出不同價格,隨著建築型態轉變,在建物高度密集且高樓林立的都市中,不動產的視野及方位也就顯得格外重要。 本研究係探討視野對於臺中市新市政中心專用區不動產價格之影響,利用地理資訊系統將抽象且主觀之視野認知,透過科學方法轉化為具體數值,以萃取影響不動產價格之立體空間屬性特徵,並建置住宅大樓特徵價格模型進一步分析視野對不動產價格影響。透過移轉樓層數、方位及視覺範圍與公園視覺比等視野因子,分析視野與不動產價格差異之關係,實證結果顯示,良好視野對於不動產價格具正向且顯著影響。再者,移轉樓層高低與方位座落決定視覺範圍之開闊程度以及視線範圍內所見標的,而視覺範圍大小並非視野提升不動產效用之最大因素,視覺範圍內有無包含公園,以及公園可見度大小,才是視野對不動產價格影響的主要關鍵,而就垂直位置、水平方位及視野幅度大小而言,係以水平方位對視野價值具有較高重要性及影響力。 此外,受限最小平方法所建置住宅大樓特徵價格模型,未能完全分析解釋變數在非典型住宅下對於依變數之邊際效果,透過分量模型可見,在不同價格水準中各視野因子對於成交單價之影響有高度差異。其中,右尾高分量模型之高價住宅其位置條件較佳,且在空間分布上個別條件相當,是以,在區位條件相當之情況下,高價住宅之購屋者顯得格外重視視覺範圍,且價格水準較高之交易案例對於視野重視程度高於價格水準較低之交易案例。 View is a subjective and abstract cognitive experience. The value of view is affected by the sensitivity of the viewer, and it reflects different prices in the real estate trading market. With varying architectural patterns, the view and aspect of real estates are particularly important in a city with highly densed high-rise buildings. This study aimed to examine how view influences prices of real estates in the New Taichung City Civic Center area. Using geographic information system (GIS), abstract and subjective visual perceptions were transformed into numerical values to obtain 3D spatial attributes as independent variables in the hedonic price model, which was used to analyze the effects of visual field on real estate prices. Vertical position, aspect, visual field and visible park area were selected as factors for the model to investigate the relationship between real estate price and view. The result shows that good visibility has a positive and significant influence on real estate prices. Specifically, the vertical position and aspect of a dwelling determine the extent of the visual field and what can be seen. However, visual field is not the most important factor that affects the price of real estate. In fact, whether the visual field includes a park or not, and the size of visible park area are the key factors affecting real estate prices. In addition, the aspect matters more on determining the value of view than that of the building floors and the visible area. Moreover, based on the quantile regression analysis, the influence of view varies with different real estate price levels. The high-priced buildings model tends to be affected more by the view variables than the low-priced counterparts do. It indicates that the positional conditions of the high-priced dwellings are often better than those of the low-priced dwellings. The empirical study also proves that buyers of high-priced buildings usually pay attention on the view during the transaction. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 104923005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104923005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900443 |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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