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    Title: 大學生職場體驗經驗對職涯規劃影響之探討
    A Study on the Effects of Work Trial Experience on Career Planning for College Students
    Authors: 王淳弘
    Wang, Chuen-Hung
    Contributors: 成之約
    Chen, Chih-Yueh
    Wang, Chuen-Hung
    Keywords: 青年就業
    Workplace learning
    Career develop
    Youth employment
    Workplace participatory practices
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 16:52:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究透過深度訪談法探討大學生進行職場體驗對職涯規劃帶來的影響。並進一步了解進行各種職場體驗類型,如打工、實習、產學合作的實施概況與問題。面對快速變動的環境下,青年失業問題的解決已刻不容緩,為了能縮小產學落差、增進青年的就業力,這已經成為一個相當被重視的議題,並視為可能的解決方案之一。
    This study explores the effects of college students` work trial experience on career planning through in-depth interviews. And further understand the types of work trial experience, such as part-time , internship, industry-university cooperation implementation and problems. In the face of rapid changes, the solution to the youth unemployment problem is urgent. In order to reduce the gap between industry and education and enhance the employment of young people, this has become a highly valued issue and considered as one of the possible solutions.
    The study found that the work trial experience does help to improve the human capital, psychological capital and social capital of college students, and it has an effects on the various aspects of career planning. In the process of the work trial experience, the various conflicts encountered will also greatly reduce the effects of the work trial experience, and even cause the college students not willing to continue the industry.Compared with different types of work trial experience types, most of the college students work part-time are not deeply connected with the department, and the effects on career planning is low, The higher the autonomy of the work trial experience, such as private sector internships and industry-university cooperation, has the most obvious effects on the youth career.The following recommendations are made for this study:
    The proportion of work trial experience in all types of work is not the same. It is recommended that college students can measure their own needs and choose a work trial experience that is most suitable for them ;the workplace experience unit should arrange personnel guidance, communication, and counseling to not only improve the corporate image, improve experience satisfaction, but also make this experience more meaningful.; the workplace experience should increase the appropriate feedback mechanism, the system or curriculum design enables the participating college students to carry out in-depth reflection; Before the work trial experience, college students and workplace experience units should communicate clearly about the content, methods, rights and obligations of the work trial experience, so as to avoid undesired experience;college students often have some burdens and pressures because they have to work and study together. It is recommended that they can make good time planning and balance their study and work time; college students should take the initiative to learn in the mentality of the work trial experience, instead of holding a perfunctory attitude to maximize the effectiveness of this experience.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105262021
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900913
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