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Title: | 我國大量解僱勞工保護法制探討:以某航空公司為例 A study on the Act of the Protection of Employees during mass redundancy : the case of an Air Carrier |
Authors: | 陳明鈴 Chen, Ming-Ling |
Contributors: | 成之約 Cheng, Hi-Yue 陳明鈴 Chen, Ming-Ling |
Keywords: | 全球化 關廠歇業 緊縮業務 大量解僱 解僱保護法制 大量解僱勞工保護法 Globalization Mass redundancy Mass layoff Act of the Protection of Employees During Mass Redundancy |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 16:51:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,因交通與資訊的日新月異,全球化的趨勢更大幅改變商業的運作,短期投資的投機性操作,國際化分工、互惠互利的跨國經營模式等,致使勞動體制出現了彈性化及去規制化的新發展。為因應如此之潮流,企業組織及人事勢必逢臨一波不小的變革與再造,於此過程中,企業間之合併、收購及分割,人力的緊實與精編,更是控管成本資源、尋求企業第二春的手段;此外,更有適應不良之產業,瀕臨不得不關廠歇業、緊縮業務等無奈結局。於此等現實情形下,企業除有和平結束營業、進行整編外,卻也有不肖業主依如往昔般地惡意進行關廠歇業、無預警裁撤部門。不管如何,這樣發展的結果,更將原屬個案之「大量解僱」事件,轉化為更為常態、影響更為廣泛而嚴重的結構性失業潮結果。近年臺灣地區受到全球景氣衰退而經濟低迷,產業外移嚴重,國內產業同時面臨轉型等問題,經濟成長率一度降至歷史新低、失業率則攀升顛峰 ,每每造成重大勞資解僱糾紛 層出不窮,嚴重衝擊經社秩序、侵害廣大勞工權益而無法有效保障解決遏止,此即凸顯出原有解僱保護法制建構、特別針對「大量解僱」態樣部分之不足。是故,事業單位於時間內大量性的解僱勞工實已成為當前社會必須面臨的新一公共問題。 另一方面民國105年多家航航空公司都傳出歇業「大量解僱」勞工案件,引發外界關切,就業市場似乎已經進入寒冬,近期頻傳的企業裁員也反應就業市場惡化趨勢,面對形勢極為險峻的挑戰下,企業必須進行組織瘦身才能生存,因此在人力上不是積極的進行裁員,就是消極的遇缺不補,係基於經營權及雇用自由的行使,乃極為自然之事。然而在另一方面,這卻又涉及勞工工作權的問題,此 乃憲法所明文保障之基本權利,故雇主不可隨意解僱勞工而應受到適當的限制;倘若雇主一方濫用解僱權,對於勞方而言,將使勞方經濟生活基礎喪失,並影響藉由工作發展其人格之機會,對於社會而言,失業除引起社會生活不安、社會救濟支出之負擔。 本篇論文係以「大量解僱勞工保護法」為研究之對象。其論述之焦點集中於大量解僱勞工保護法之法律爭議問題,乃針對現行「大量解僱勞工保護法」法本身之規範內容,係以大量解僱之定義、解僱計畫書及通知義務、協商之時程及方式、提供就業輔導與再僱用優先權利、預警通報義務、以及限制出境之處分為研究之重點。除此之外,本文更藉由他山之石可以攻錯為之論述,比較研究我國與美國、德國、以及日本有關「大量解僱」保護法制,以供我國參考借鏡。 再者,就官僚在爭議事件中的作為言,研究發現,官僚對爭議處理的態度已從消極走向積極,然而由於官僚人力的不足,以及必須同時扮演執法者與調解者,因而產生角色的衝突,並給官僚帶來困擾。國家若能鼓勵、培養民間中介團體參與爭議處理,非但可使充沛的民間力量得以充分發揮,更可建構起勞資自治的爭議處理制度。最後,雖然國家的自主性和能力相較於解嚴前有下降的趨勢,國家在回應社會團體的要求時,但國家仍可依照其本身的利益,做出最好的選擇和決定,國家在政策制定中仍是最後的決定者。 In recent decades, the technology and transportation system has evolved in every field imaginable. Globalization, as a consequence, has changed the business model dramatically. The emerge of the new business model, such as short-term arbitrage and internationalization of labor, has deregulated the current labor system. It is necessary to reform the organization and personnel of the business to keep pace with the tide of globalization, which could lead to merge and acquisition, or split of the business. In such cases, the role of human resource management is an important strategy to manage the cost of the high-cost M&A deal. On the other hand, companies that could not keep with the transformation of economic globalization were forced to downsize or close their business. However, there are some owners commit fraudulent bankruptcy or malicious layoff. As a result, there is a growing number of mass redundancies, which leads to structural unemployment. The global recession has greatly affected the economy of Taiwan, which is facing the industry transformation caused by offshoring. Under the effect of recession and industry transformation, the economic growth rate has hit a record low, that consequently increases the unemployment rate. More and more material labor disputes appear under these circumstances. Although the right of the employees has been violated continuously, it has not yet been found a perfect solution. Therefore, it shows the importance to amend the current act that regulates the mass redundancy.
In 2016, there were multiple「mass dismissals」 occurred in the airline operators in Taiwan, which aroused the social concerns. The labor market was weak, and the companies must be downsized to survive. On the one hand, the companies either choose to dismiss the employees actively or had a higher rate of attrition, which were based on the right of management and the at-will-employment. On the other hand, the Constitution of the Republic of China had given the labors Constitutional Right to Work, which protected them from malicious dismissal. Furthermore, the employee could lose the whole income if employers laid off employees at their discretion; as to the benefit of the society, the unemployment rate was highly related to the cost of social relief and safety.
This study discusses the「Act of the Protection of Employees During Mass Redundancy」and focuses on the legal dispute of such. This work includes the following discussion on the current cases of mass redundancy,the definition of mass redundancy, the dismissal plan and the mandatory notice of dismissal, the period and the way of negotiation on the dismissal, job placement service and preferential hiring, statutory or contractual notice period and restricted departure. Moreover, this paper examines the difference between the mass redundancy between Taiwan and America, Germany and Japan.
Despite that the bureaucrats have turned from passively to actively participate in such cases, not having enough of the workforce and the conflicting role of being mediator as well as the law enforcer has distressed the system. The greater autonomy between labor and management can be built up providing that the government fosters the private intermediaries to help resolve the disputes. Finally, although the national autonomy has decreased since the end of martial art, the Nation is the decision maker when answering the social organization in terms of its own benefit. |
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三、網路資料 1.勞動部全球資訊中文網-勞動統計專網,網址:https://www.mol.gov.tw/statistics/ 2.勞動部法令查詢系統,網址:http://laws.mol.gov.tw/ 3.司法院法學資料檢索系統,網址:http://jirs.judicial.gov.tw/Index.htm 4.全國法規資料庫,網址:https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass 5.法源法律網,網址:https://www.lawbank.com.tw/treatise/pl_index.aspx |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 101262025 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101262025 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900769 |
Appears in Collections: | [勞工研究所] 學位論文
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